Everymind Donor's Appreciation Gala - 2023 2024-04-23 04:00:00Z 0
Peace Pole Inauguration 2024-04-23 04:00:00Z 0
Members volunteering at Rama Gaming house 2024-04-23 04:00:00Z 0
Celebrating world Polio Day 2023-10-24 04:00:00Z 0
Unveiling plaque ceremony - Trillium 2023-08-31 04:00:00Z 0
Wine and Cheese Fundraiser - 4th August, 2023 2023-08-04 04:00:00Z 0
Trillium Health Partners Foundation Donation 2023-02-17 05:00:00Z 0

Welcoming in 2023 with Paul Harris Award

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Meadowvale Rotary had it's first in-person club meeting of 2023 this afternoon. Thank you Brett Paveling from Community Living Mississauga for joining us to provide an update on the ongoing priorities and successes of Community Living.
Welcoming in 2023 with Paul Harris Award 2023-01-20 05:00:00Z 0

The Dam Donation

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Recently, our club President Narciso Rodrigues presented a contribution of $7000 to The Dam in Meadowvale from the Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale. The Dam does great work for youth and families in the community and our Rotary club is happy to support their efforts.
The Dam Donation 2022-11-06 04:00:00Z 0

Information Night

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Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale hosted an information night open to anyone interested in learning more about Rotary and about our club.
Information Night 2022-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

Everymind Donation

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Everymind Donation made by Narciso Rodrigues (President) and Marilyn Minto (Secretary) on February 9, 2022.
Everymind Donation 2022-02-09 05:00:00Z 0

St John's Ambulance Donation

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St John's Ambulance Donation made by Narciso Rodrigues (President) and Marilyn Minto (Secretary) on February 9, 2022.
St John's Ambulance Donation 2022-02-09 05:00:00Z 0

Eden Food For Change

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Recently club president Narciso Rodrigues joined club member Lesley Barmania and spouse Aziz to donate bottles of hand sanitizer to Eden Food For Change.
Eden Food For Change 2022-01-25 05:00:00Z 0

Special Guest Hazel McCallion

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What a special treat today. Thank you Hazel McCallion and Peter McCallion for joining our Rotary club meeting this afternoon and for sharing great memories with us at the Hazel McCallion: 100 years of Memories Exhibit at Erin Mills Town Centre.
Special Guest Hazel McCallion 2021-11-19 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Day

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Great day yesterday at "Rotary Day" at the new Churchill Meadows Community Centre. Our club members shared the wonderful work our club does in the community, handed out hand sanitizer and Halloween treats, and even provided entertainment. Looking forward to doing more outreach again next year. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth.
Rotary Day 2021-10-25 04:00:00Z 0
Special Guest: City Councillor Sue McFadden 2021-07-12 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Online Auction

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Do you want to avoid the crowds when shopping? Why not head over to our web site rotaryonlineauction.ca where we already have more than 1,100 items listed in different categories with more to come before the auction starts on Saturday, November 7, 2020 at 9 AM and ends on Saturday, November 21, 2020 at 10 PM.
If you are new to the auction site, you should register by clicking on the “Register” menu item at the very top of the page.  This will allow you to bid on items and it will also allow you to star items you are interested in so that you can easily find them again.
Near the top of the page, you will see links that will allow you to list items by category or can also list “All Items”.  There is also a “Search” field that can help filter the list.  For example: If you clicked on “All Items” and then type “Meadowvale” in the search field, you will see all the items procured by our club.
When you are viewing the list of items, you can click on individual items to see the full details for that item and to find additional details about the business that donated the item.
Proceeds from this auction support humanitarian projects and charities.
Rotary Online Auction Mario Caruso 2020-11-06 05:00:00Z 0
Zoom Meetings Mario Caruso 2020-03-18 04:00:00Z 0
How to protect yourself against COVID-19 Mario Caruso 2020-03-18 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome Muhammad & Lasitha 

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District Governor Lesley Barmania and Club President Mario Caruso, welcome Muhammad Ali and Lasitha Ranawakage to our club.
Welcome Muhammad & Lasitha Mario Caruso 2020-02-21 05:00:00Z 0


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Thank you to everyone that recycled their used electronics and clothing and a very sincere thank you to the volunteers that endured that snow storm on Saturday. This photo is just one of the 5 containers of electronics and clothing that were collected.
ELECTRONIC WASTE & CLOTHING DRIVE Mario Caruso 2020-01-19 05:00:00Z 0

The Dam

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The Dam: provides services which develop, assist and mentor the youth of today in Mississauga. Sara, in the pic, is an great example, having been involved with The Dam since she was in grade 9. Now she is a leader! The Dam are people of action.
The Dam 2019-12-02 05:00:00Z 0
Jordan's 5th Annual Christmas Sock Drive Mario Caruso 2019-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Heart House Hospice

Posted on Nov 22, 2019
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Our club was please to once again support Heart House Hospice.
Heart House Hospice Mario Caruso 2019-11-22 05:00:00Z 0

The Mississauga Festival Youth Choir

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Our club was pleased to support the Mississauga Festival Youth Choir. It is a local non-profit that provides an inclusive performance-based music education program for children aged 6 to 18. It is a non-auditioned choir with a strong multicultural focus, striving to create a positive musical experience for all children.
The Mississauga Festival Youth Choir Mario Caruso 2019-11-08 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Provides Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene or WASH, is one of Rotary's six areas of focus. This video shows how Rotary supports local solutions to bring clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to more people every day. We don’t just build wells and walk away. We share our expertise with community leaders and educators to make sure our projects succeed long-term.


Rotary Provides Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Mario Caruso 2019-11-01 04:00:00Z 0

YMCA Teen Nights

Posted on Oct 25, 2019
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Our club is please to support the YMCA Teen Nights program.

The activities offered at Teen Nights are designed to help youth explore new interests, be leaders, have stronger community ties, and develop healthier, active lifestyles. 

This donation was made possible by our members volunteer efforts with the OLG Charitable Gaming at Rama Gaming House.

YMCA Teen Nights Mario Caruso 2019-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

Donation to Trillium Health Partners Foundation

Posted by Mario Caruso on Jul 26, 2019
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The Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale continues to support the Trillium Health Partners Foundation, with another $5,000 donation.  
In the last 12 months our club has donated at total of $10,000 that will be used to purchase a Hoyer lift for the benefit of patients receiving renal dialysis treatment at Credit Valley Hospital.
The funds were raised through our club's volunteer work with charitable gaming at Rama Mississauga.
Representatives in photo from right to left: Lesley Barmania (Rotary District 7080 Governor 2019-2020), Kathleen Cymek, CFRE (Senior Development Officer, Philanthropy Trillium Health Partners Foundation), Mario Caruso (Club President 2019-2020, Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale) and Brad Butt (Community Service Chair 2019-2020, Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale).
Donation to Trillium Health Partners Foundation Mario Caruso 2019-07-26 04:00:00Z 0
Club Bylaw and Constitution Changes 2019-07-09 04:00:00Z 0

Community Living Mississauga

Posted by Mario Caruso on May 24, 2019
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We are proud to be able to continue supporting Community Living Mississauga.  Today's $5,000 donation will be used towards the creation of the Parent Group support program.  It is facilitated by a parent – with support from the Manger of the Outcomes Support Team at Community Living Mississauga.
The donation was made possible by our members volunteering at RAMA Gaming Centre.  We have been support Community Living Mississauga since 2010 and to date we have donated $18,200 to this incredible organization.
Additional information about Community Living Mississauga can be found at:
Twitter - @clmississauga
website – clmiss.ca
Community Living Mississauga Mario Caruso 2019-05-24 04:00:00Z 0

Fool's Night 2019

Posted on May 06, 2019
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Thank you to everyone who attended Fool's Night.  This year the event was organized in support of "The Dam" youth drop in center. Just over $4,000 was raised and our club rounded up the donation to $7,500. 
Thank you to the organizing committee: Brad Butt, Brenna Baker, Nita Kang and Marilyn Minto.
A special thanks to the businesses and individuals that donated silent auction items:
Centura Brands
Claudine LaRochelle
Cuchulainn's Irish Pub
Denise Morrison
Dentistry at Clarkson Village
Derrydale Golf Club
Fidelity Investments
Goodlife Fitness
Gordon Fong
Granite Ridge Golf
Hornby Glen Golf
Julie Grabb
Kaneff Golf
Lesley Barmania
Little Taste of Britain
Lynda Cowan
Marilyn Minto
Mike and Jan Stannard
Narciso Rodrigues
Nardinis Salon and Spa
Nita Kang
Popeye's Supplements
Raj Chopra
Rama Gaming Centre
Rebound Health and Wellness
Saucy Restaurant
SuperKids Karate
The Social Eatery
Fool's Night 2019 Mario Caruso 2019-05-06 04:00:00Z 0

U.S. Opioid Crisis

Posted on Feb 20, 2019
Our club partnered with other clubs internationally to tackle the opioid crisis in New York, USA.
U.S. Opioid Crisis Mario Caruso 2019-02-20 05:00:00Z 0
Ekal Update February 2019 Mario Caruso 2019-02-17 05:00:00Z 0
Ward 9 Councilor, Pat Saito Mario Caruso 2019-02-15 05:00:00Z 0
Trillium Health Partners Foundation Mario Caruso 2019-02-15 05:00:00Z 0

Jordan's Sock Drive Update

Posted by David Grabb on Dec 21, 2018
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The Rotary Club of Meadowvale made a meaningful impact in our community this week.  The $2,000 donation to the Jordan's Sock Drive will translate into 3,540 pairs of socks to be used to assist the homeless in Mississauga.  Jordan, a 9 yr old community leader, collected 12,707 pairs of socks this year, doubling her goal of 5400.  Our club's contribution - approximately 30% of the total.
Jordan's mother, Shandelle (who is taking the photograph), is an empowered businesswoman who is a person of action; fully supporting Jordan philanthropic desires.
Watch the video of Jordan's big reveal of the total number of socks collected.
Jordan's Sock Drive Update David Grabb 2018-12-21 05:00:00Z 0

Brenna - Paul Harris Fellow

Posted by Mario Caruso on Nov 23, 2018
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Brenna Baker received the Paul Harris Fellow award. It was wonderful to have Brenna's parents at our meeting, who are also visiting Rotarians from the U.S.A.
Brenna - Paul Harris Fellow Mario Caruso 2018-11-23 05:00:00Z 0

Jordan's Sock Drive

Posted by Mario Caruso on Nov 23, 2018
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Our club was once again proud to support Jordan's 4th annual sock drive. Her goal is to collect 5,400 pairs of new socks, which will be distributed to the homeless in Peel.
For more information visit her facebook page https://www.facebook.com/JordansSocks/
Jordan's Sock Drive Mario Caruso 2018-11-23 05:00:00Z 0

Armagh House Conservatory

Posted on Oct 17, 2018
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The Rotary Club of Mississauga Meadowvale worked with several other Rotary clubs from Mississauga to support the renovation of the conservatory at Armagh House.
Armagh House Conservatory Mario Caruso 2018-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

Knysna - Model Pre-School

Posted on Jul 15, 2018
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This is the latest update regarding our GG 1636129.  The Knysna Club and the Knysna Education Trust are really promoting our partnership by making the annual opening birthday celebrations a very Canadian event!  
This is a project that came in "second place" at the 2014-15 Annual Showcasing of the Mississauga Joint Cluster International Project.  John Gilvesy encouraged us to take this forward and find funding.  Bolton, Burlington Lakeshore, Meadowvale,  Oakville Trafalgar, Oakville West, and Palgrave all gave generously to make this project happen. 
Knysna - Model Pre-School 2018-07-15 04:00:00Z 0

Tree Planting

Posted on Apr 22, 2018
Rotary International President Ian Riseley issued a challenge to plant one tree for each Rotarian throughout the world. Ideally 1.2 million trees would be planted if the challenge was met.
On Sunday April 22nd, The Rotary Club of Meadowvale and other clubs in Mississauga got together to plant trees in celebration of earth day.
Tree Planting 2018-04-22 04:00:00Z 0

Tom ‘Too Tall’ Cunningham

Posted on Apr 10, 2018
It’s with heartfelt sadness that the Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale says farewell to one of its own, Tom ‘Too Tall’ Cunningham.
During his time with the club, we got to know Tom and discover what a positive influence he was to all those around him. When Tom was 5, he was  diagnosed with systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis which presented challenges that even the most toughest people would struggle with.
Despite this challenge, Tom became an author, speaker, and entrepreneur who worked to help other people see the positive in the world, by sharing his own experiences. As a Certified Napoleon Hill Instructor, Tom spoke all over the world, and shared the stage with many famous people spreading his message of finding success through a positive mental attitude.
A quote by Tom, found on his web site sums it up best:
"My God given Definite Purpose is to encourage people to live positively with and through the challenges life throws at them."
What touched me the most from my time knowing Tom was how he was always positive and grateful for what he had, and how he was always willing to share his experiences to help others. I encourage you to check out his website and see for yourself how much of an inspiration this man was.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tom’s wife Kim, and his family during this time.
Visitation will be held Wednesday, April 11th from 6.00-9.00 pm at Turner and Porter (1981 Dundas Street West, Mississauga).
Funeral service will be held Thursday, April 12th at 10.30 am at Trinity Church, Streetsville ( 69 Queen St., South, Mississauga).
Tom ‘Too Tall’ Cunningham Jeffrey O'Leary 2018-04-10 04:00:00Z 0

Camp Enterprise

Posted on Jan 31, 2018
Mississauga Camp Enterprise is collecting sponsorships for this year's camp. Please review the attached Sponsorship Form
Close to 100 students will be attending 2018 Mississauga Camp Enterprise. MCE is a 3-day camp for students interested in entrepreneurship. Guest speakers will share real-life practical experience and offer tips on how to start a business. MCE has been operating each year for decades. It is 100% volunteer run. Please consider supporting this initiative with a $100 business card size ad in the camp program.
Camp Enterprise 2018-01-31 05:00:00Z 0

Community Living Mississauga

Posted on Nov 24, 2017
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Brett Paveling spoke to our members about the various programs provided by Community Living Mississauga.  He also outlined how the support provided by the Rotary Club of Mississauga Meadowvale since 2010 has helped to fund some of the programs that are not funded by the government.
Community Living Mississauga Mario Caruso 2017-11-24 05:00:00Z 0

Armagh's Expressive Art Therapy Exhibit

Posted on Nov 20, 2017
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The Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale is proud to be one of the sponsors of this event to be held from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Saturday November 25, 2017 at the Harding Waterfront  Estate. This date is also the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
The Expressive Art Therapy Exhibit will contain works of art created by the women and children who have participated in the Expressive Art Therapy Program at Armagh. Each art piece will display a description outlining the meaning behind the art and describe how the art work helped them heal and recover from the devastating effects of abuse.  
The event goal is to raise awareness about issues of  abuse, domestic violence and the need for transitional housing in our community for this unique population, as well as raise funds to support vital programs and services offered at Armagh. Corporate support is key to accomplishing both.  
Armagh's Expressive Art Therapy Exhibit Mario Caruso 2017-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

District Governor's Visit

Posted on Nov 10, 2017
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District Governor Kathleen (Kathi) Dick made her official visit to our club and updated our members on the work that Rotary has been doing in our district and internationally and also provided information about upcoming events.
District Governor's Visit Mario Caruso 2017-11-10 05:00:00Z 0
November District Newsletter 2017-11-05 04:00:00Z 0
oneXone First Nations Breakfast Program 2017-10-16 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Basics

Posted on Jul 30, 2017
If you would like to learn more about Rotary, use the link below to download a document with the Rotary Basics.
Rotary Basics 2017-07-30 04:00:00Z 0

Creating Income Opportunities

Posted on Jun 29, 2017
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Creating income opportunities for about 150 women from earthquake-affected village of Khokana through a Rotary Global Grant Project #1746726 with the RC Patan as Host Partner and the RC Mississauga Meadowvale in Canada as International Partner, RC Burlington Lakeshore, D-7080, RC Montreal in Canada and the RC Branchburg Township and D-7510 in the USA as Funding Partners and Rotary Foundation World Fund Match Funds. The photos show interaction during the project planning meeting and the Khokana village where the project will take place.
Creating Income Opportunities 2017-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

John Cena & Bill Gates

Posted on Jun 24, 2017
Watch this inspiring short video with John Cena & Bill Gates from the RI Convention in Atlanta that talks about the End Polio Now campaign.
John Cena & Bill Gates 2017-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

Atlanta RI Convention Summary

Posted on Jun 24, 2017
The convention was a great success. Here are just of few of the main stories and key messages.
  • "Countdown to 0"- renewed commitment to eradicate Polio and the donation of a combined $1.2 billion from Governments and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - $100million from the Canadian Government.
  • Bill Gates speech on Rotary's incredible work with Polio Eradication - only 5 wild polio virus cases this year (Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria).  In the 1980's there were over 350,000 cases every year.
  • Outstanding speech by Andrew Young - first black mayor of Atlanta and human rights activist encouraging us to keep doing the "impossible".
  • Ashton Kutcher - actor and co-founder of Thorn - to end slavery and human and child sex trafficking...and asking Rotarian to support that cause.
  • Presentation by Brittany Arthur - President of the Rotaract Club of Berlin - if every Rotarian invited one Rotaractor to join their Rotary Club, we would have 2.4 million members!
  • Speech by Ian Riseley incoming RI President 2017-18 - Ian is a passionate environmentalist and asks every Rotarian to plant a tree in the upcoming Rotary year.  DGE Kathi Dick is carrying this forward in D7080.
  • Introduction of RI President nominee - 2018-19 - Samuel "Sam" F. Owari from Uganda. (Owori is chief executive officer of the Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda. Before that, he was executive director of the African Development Bank, managing director of Uganda Commercial Bank Ltd., and director of Uganda Development Bank. He has studied law, employment relations, business management, corporate resources management, microfinance, and marketing at institutions in England, Japan, Switzerland, Tanzania, and the United States, including Harvard Business School.)
Atlanta RI Convention Summary  2017-06-24 04:00:00Z 0


Posted by Lesley Barmania on Aug 12, 2016
This multi-club joint project will provide a  combined model preschool and hands-on teacher training centre for children from Khayalethu, a rural disadvantaged area of Knysna, Western Cape, South Africa.  The project will renovate three existing buildings in the township, and provide fully-equipped learning facilities for the preschool /teacher training centre.  An estimated 120 preschool children up to the age of 7, and 40 preschool teachers will benefit each year from this project.  It is conservatively estimated that each group of 40 teachers will provide pre-school care and education to 1,450 children each year.  The children will receive basic literacy and numeracy skills, pre-school care and nutrition.
Khayalethu Lesley Barmania 2016-08-12 04:00:00Z 0

The Dam

Posted by Mario Caruso on Aug 11, 2016
  1. Rotary Meadowvale supported The Dam by investing $3,000 in Dam’s programs.
  2. The Dam is a center located in Meadowvale. It provides a safe community for youth and young moms in need of positive and welcoming environment.
  3. The Dam’s programs include Drop-ins, dinner programs, outreach in schools, mentoring and more.
The Dam Mario Caruso 2016-08-11 04:00:00Z 0

Mississauga Meadowvale Rotary Park

Posted by Mario Caruso on Aug 07, 2016

The project cleared the existing sand from the park and installed engineered wood fiber plus drainage to make it easier for wheelchair accessibility. We also installed a concrete ramp for easier access to the park and an accessible swing set to better support a person with a disability. The City of Mississauga installed armrests on the benches.

The project was completed in July 2016 and is now fully accessible to persons with disabilities.


Here is a map to the location of the park.

Mississauga Meadowvale Rotary Park Mario Caruso 2016-08-07 04:00:00Z 0

RYLA Leadership Award Recipients Amanda Grabowski & Ian D'Souza

Posted by Tom Cunningham on Jul 22, 2016
At our Friday, July 22nd meeting we were blessed to have Amanda Grabowski and Ian D'Souza, our RYLA Leadership Award recipients share their experiences from the RYLA event held in April 2016.
RYLA Leadership Award Recipients Amanda Grabowski & Ian D'Souza Tom Cunningham 2016-07-22 04:00:00Z 0

Canada Day Celebration – July 1, 2016

Despite temperamental weather the Canada Day Together celebration turned out to be quite a success. Lively entertainment was provided by "Latin Train" Gabru Rangeelay Bhangra dancers and soloist Michael Ciufo. The evening ended with a spectacular fireworks display.

Marilyn Minto
Canada Day Celebration – July 1, 2016 Marilyn Minto 2016-07-01 04:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day - Oct 24 2014

Posted by David O'Hearn on Oct 23, 2014
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October 24th is World Polio Day.  This year, as in past years, as part of District 7080's campaign, our club participated by handing out End Polio Now pamphlets at the Meadowvale GO Station.  Please visit http://www.endpolio.org for more information.  Pictures from today's events here.
World Polio Day - Oct 24 2014 David O'Hearn 2014-10-24 00:00:00Z 0
World Polio Day - Speaker (Brad Butt) David O'Hearn 2014-10-24 00:00:00Z 0

Al Munro - Kenya wildlife presentation

Posted by Marilyn Minto on May 01, 2014

ImageOn May 2, 2014 our own Rotarian, Al Munro, gave a superb presentation to the club on Kenyan wildlife. The many "up close and personal "animal shots were taken when he was on a Safari last year.

Al Munro - Kenya wildlife presentation Marilyn Minto 2014-05-02 00:00:00Z 0

Ben Ferrie - Classification speech

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Apr 24, 2014

New member Ben Ferrie gave his classification speech to the club at the meeting held on April 25. Ben shared his background with us and also announced the opening of his new law practice.

Ben Ferrie - Classification speech Marilyn Minto 2014-04-25 00:00:00Z 0
Lorna Harrison - Marketing Consultant, Rama Gaming Centre Marilyn Minto 2014-04-11 00:00:00Z 0

Past DG Syd Harmon

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Mar 27, 2014

Former District Governor Syd Harmon was our guest speaker on March 28, 2014. He spoke about the power of cluster clubs working together and partnering with community organisations.


Past DG Syd Harmon Marilyn Minto 2014-03-28 00:00:00Z 0

Presentation by the 105th Canadian Army Cadet Corp.

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Mar 20, 2014
On March 21, 2014 Duane Sharp and Ashley Andersen  updated us on the 105th Canadian Army Cadet Corp. We were informed that there are over 50,000 cadets in Canada. Ashley is a Regimental Sargent Major and explained how being a cadet has impacted her life.
Presentation by the 105th Canadian Army Cadet Corp. Marilyn Minto 2014-03-21 00:00:00Z 0

Joint Meeting with the Rotary Club of Mississauga-Streetsville

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Mar 06, 2014
On March 7th we held a joint meeting with the Rotary Club of Streetsville.  During the meeting Scott Brubacher from the Streetsville Club , along with Dave Dryden from the organisation "Sleeping Children Around the World", gave a powerful presentation on a joint international project in which needy children were provided with backpacks containing useful items for daily living.
Joint Meeting with the Rotary Club of Mississauga-Streetsville Marilyn Minto 2014-03-07 00:00:00Z 0
Presentation by Carolyn Parrish Marilyn Minto 2014-02-28 00:00:00Z 0

Amanda Quan

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Feb 20, 2014
Sponsored by our Rotary Club,student Amanda Quan spoke to us about her experiences attending the River Science Academy.
Amanda Quan Marilyn Minto 2014-02-21 00:00:00Z 0

Greg Winger from Peel Crime Stoppers

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Jan 23, 2014
At our January 24 meeting, our guest speaker was Greg Winger, Chair person of the Peel Crime Stoppers Organisation. Greg educated us on the Peel programme. We learnt about some of the key elements the programme such as confidentiality and anonymity. Crime Stoppers is a partnership of the public, police and media which provides the community with a proactive Program to anonymously assist in solving crime and contributing to an improved quality of life
Greg Winger from Peel Crime Stoppers Marilyn Minto 2014-01-24 00:00:00Z 0

Lynda Cowan - Nogales Shoe Box Project, Geet Chawla welcomed as our newest member

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Jan 16, 2014

 Recently back from Nogales , Mexico,  Lynda Cowan shared her experience distributing shoe boxes filled with useful items to children in this poor remote community on the U.S.A and Mexican border.

Lynda, membership chair- person and Lesley Barmania, president, inducted new member Geet Chawla into the club.


Lynda Cowan - Nogales Shoe Box Project, Geet Chawla welcomed as our newest member Marilyn Minto 2014-01-17 00:00:00Z 0

Presentation from Tom "too tall " Cunningham

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Jan 09, 2014
ImageOur speaker at our January 10 meeting was Tom " too tall " Cunningham. Tom shared with us some of the challenges he has faced in life and how despite being in constant pain he has been able to keep a positive outlook.
Presentation from Tom "too tall " Cunningham Marilyn Minto 2014-01-10 00:00:00Z 0

Club Updates Dec 6 2013

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Dec 05, 2013
At the December 6th meeting the club board members and committee chairs took the opportunity to provide updates to the members on various club projects.
Club Updates Dec 6 2013 Marilyn Minto 2013-12-06 00:00:00Z 0

Yennifer Pang-Chang

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Nov 21, 2013
ImageOn November 22, 2013 Yennifer Pang-Chung gave a very interesting presentation to our club on her experiences in Canada and Indonesia. Yennifer participated in a youth exchange project through the Canada World Youth Organisation.
Yennifer Pang-Chang Marilyn Minto 2013-11-22 00:00:00Z 0

Lois Brown MP

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Nov 14, 2013
Lois Brown MP for Newmarket -Aurora, addressed the club and guests during a special luncheon meeting. Her topic was the eradication of polio in collaboration with C.I.D.A
Lois Brown MP Marilyn Minto 2013-11-15 00:00:00Z 0

Lesley Barmania, Club President,

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Nov 07, 2013
Recently back from her trip to the U.N with fellow Rotarians, Lesley provided the club with an update.
Lesley Barmania, Club President, Marilyn Minto 2013-11-08 00:00:00Z 0

Mark Cashin, President Elect.

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Oct 31, 2013
Our President -Elect, Mark Cashin, spoke to us about the historical link between Rotary and the U.N as well as the importance of this connection.
Mark Cashin, President Elect. Marilyn Minto 2013-11-01 00:00:00Z 0

Brad Butt MP

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Oct 24, 2013

On October our fellow Rotarian Brad Butt, MP for Mississauga- Streetsville was our guest speaker. Brad gave us an update on events in Ottawa and the Mississauga community.


Brad Butt MP Marilyn Minto 2013-10-25 00:00:00Z 0

Jovita D'Souza - RYLA

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Oct 17, 2013
On October 18, 2013 Jovita D'Souza addressed the club. She provided an update on the activities of RYLA
Jovita D'Souza - RYLA Marilyn Minto 2013-10-18 00:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Timothy Whitehead

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Oct 03, 2013

On October 4 , 2013  Mr Timothy Whitehead spoke to the club about the upcoming Rotary District Conference.

Highlights of the conference were discussed and members encouraged to attend

Rotarian Timothy Whitehead Marilyn Minto 2013-10-04 00:00:00Z 0

District Governor Mike Gautier

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Oct 02, 2013

DG Mike Gautier and his wife, attended our meeting on September 27th. 2013. DG Gautier updated us on Rotary activities at the district and international levels. He also inducted two new members. A warm welcome to our newest Rotarians - Dean Glinos and Ben Ferrie.

District Governor Mike Gautier Marilyn Minto 2013-10-03 00:00:00Z 0

"Secrets of Success" Richard Fast

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Oct 02, 2013

Richard Fast, author and public speaker, was our guest speaker at our joint rotary club meeting on September 20th 2013. Richard explained that an understanding and positive relationship with time is one of the main secrets of success. Members from the Streetsville, Airport and Mississauga clubs were in attendance.


"Secrets of Success" Richard Fast Marilyn Minto 2013-10-03 00:00:00Z 0

Lake Wabukayne

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Sep 18, 2013

Al Munro led the club on a tour of Lake Wabukayne on September 13. We were shown the many improvements made to this area as a result of this community project involving our club, under the representation of Al Munro. Some of the improvements include a floating island, educational signs and park benches. Rotarian Jeff O'Leary also played an integral part is this collaborative project.


Lake Wabukayne Marilyn Minto 2013-09-19 00:00:00Z 0

Visit from Hubert Singh

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Sep 18, 2013

 At our September 6th meeting, Hubert Singh from the District Membership Committee, was our guest speaker.

Membership is about retaining existing members as well as attracting new members.We were reminded to reflect on the reasons why we joined Rotary in the first place in order to keep our Rotary connection strong. We were also reminded to share Rotary with our friends and colleagues.

Visit from Hubert Singh Marilyn Minto 2013-09-19 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary History

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Sep 03, 2013
Vice president Mark Cashin gave us an overview of the history of Rotary and its connection with the U.N at our meeting on August 23. We are reminded that there is an opportunity to go to the U.N coming up shortly( listed in events).
Rotary History Marilyn Minto 2013-09-04 00:00:00Z 0

Mississauga Board of Trade

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Sep 03, 2013
On August 16, 2013 Sheldon Leiba, President of the Mississauga Board of Trade gave us a presentation on his organisation. The Board of Trade represents 1500 businesses in Mississauga and strives to create a community where they can flourish and grow.
Mississauga Board of Trade Marilyn Minto 2013-09-04 00:00:00Z 0

Community Living - Mississauga

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Aug 15, 2013

Brett Paveling from Community Living Mississauga, attended our meeting on July 26, 2013.

Community Living Mississauga is a non-profit ,charitable organisation that supports thousands of individuals with intellectual disabilities in the community.

 Brett provided us with an overview of the programmes offered and explained how his organisation is able to help individuals lead productive and satisfying lives.

Community Living - Mississauga Marilyn Minto 2013-08-16 00:00:00Z 0

Joint Meeting with Streetsville and the Credit Valley A.M. Clubs

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Jul 28, 2013
On July 18th our club participated in a joint meeting at the Streetsville Rotary Club held in their new venue at the Old Barber House in Streetsville. The guest speaker was Dave Dryden from the organisation Sleeping Children Around the World. Mr Dryden presented on the valuable work that his organisation carries out in providing bed kits for needy children in under developed and developing countries around the world.
Joint Meeting with Streetsville and the Credit Valley A.M. Clubs Marilyn Minto 2013-07-29 00:00:00Z 0

New President, Lesley Barmania, shares her goals and vision for the club

Posted by Marilyn Minto on Jul 14, 2013
On July 12, 2013 President Lesley presented her goals and vision for the club for the next 12 months via a comprehensive power point presentation. Lesley outlined her action plan and strategies for the club to continue making a difference in the lives of people in the community and around the world. Details of her presentation are in the download section. Committee chairs also gave short overviews on their plans to achieve goals within the strategic plan. We all look forward to an exciting and productive year ahead.
New President, Lesley Barmania, shares her goals and vision for the club Marilyn Minto 2013-07-15 00:00:00Z 0

Kelly Grove, City of Mississauga

Posted by Kathryne May on May 30, 2013
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Our Rotary Club welcomed Kelly Grove, Charity Gaming Analyst/Investigator with the City of Mississauga.  We have worked with Kelly for some time now and have a great deal of respect for her knowledge and dedication to her role with the City.  Rotary Meadowvale appreciated Kelly's guidance with regards to the applicable rules and regulations when using funds derived from Bingo for many of our charitable initiatives.  Kelly gave us an understanding of what is acceptable and unacceptable practice as outlined in the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Act.  It was a very valuable session and we thank Kelly for sharing her time and knowledge.
Kelly Grove, City of Mississauga Kathryne May 2013-05-31 00:00:00Z 0

Meaghan Stovel McKnight - Credit Valley Hospital Foundation

Posted by Kathryne May on Apr 25, 2013
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Our club was thrilled to host Meaghan Stovel McKnight, VP Community Partnerships and COO, Credit Valley Hospital Foundation.  Meaghan is a Rotary Camp Enterprise Graduate, and what a great ambassador she is for our business camp!
The Credit Valley Hospital is recognized as a leader in its delivery of quality, family-centred health care. Our community is passionate about the hospital it helped to build and proud of its accomplishments.  While our community continues to grow so do the needs of our Hospital.  Meaghan shared the Hospital Phase III expansion plans with our club, namely; 

  • Emergency;
  • CVH is a provincial leader in terms of ER wait times despite the fact that the emergency room was built to treat 55,000 patients a year and last year served 90,000 patients! The ER deparment will be adding 10,000 sq ft during Phase III of the CVH Expansion project.
  • Expanded clinical support services, such as diagnostic imaging to keep up with demand
  • More efficient flow of patients, enhanced quality of care and increased personal privacy and dignity for patients
  • Critical Care;
  • The creation of a state-of-the-art unit which will expand from 16 to 24 beds
  • Surgical;
  • Five new state-of-the-art operating rooms
  • Expanded recovery areas for both inpatient surgery and day surgery
  • Robotic surgery for cancer care

All areas will be expanded to accomodate a greater number of patients.   The hospital will expand to 1,000,000 sq ft to serve 712,000 patients a year with 4700 staff members.  The Credit Valley Hospital Foundation has merged with the Trillium Hospital Foundation and created a new name; the Trillium Health Partners. 

Meaghan also let our club know that we have contributed more than $43,000 to CVH over the course of our assoication.  We expect to continue to support this amazing Hospital and the essential services they provide to our community.  Thank you Meaghan!

Meaghan Stovel McKnight - Credit Valley Hospital Foundation Kathryne May 2013-04-26 00:00:00Z 0

Safe City Mississauga

Posted by Kathryne May on Apr 11, 2013

The Rotary Club of Mississauga Meadowvale welcomed Teresa Burgess-Ogilivie, Executive Director of Safe City Mississauga.  

Teresa updated the club on the White Ribbon campaign which raises awareness of violence against woman. Safe City Mississauga noted that domestic violence dominates the number of calls to the police. Teresa encouraged men in particular to wear the ribbon to show their support for women and a show of no tolerance for violence against women

Safe City works on programs and initiatives to reduce high school drop outs. They provide tutoring for children at risk at the elementary levels through the Aspire program    This program won international awards for crime prevention.  

There are so many great programs that Safe City Mississauga offers that I cannot capture everything here  i would strongly encourage a visit to Safe City Mississauga's website at www.safecityMississauga.on.ca

They are also responsible for managing Neighborhood Crime Watch.



Safe City Mississauga Kathryne May 2013-04-12 00:00:00Z 0

Club Vision

Posted by Kathryne May on Mar 21, 2013
Incoming President, Lesley Barmania led the group in an exercise to establish a vision for club.  It was fun and educational.  As we broke out into teams to discuss our respective visions, common club descriptions included;  dynamic, vibrant, fun and making a difference in our community and abroad.  We look forward to a final vision in the coming weeks which will define our clubs mission and activities moving forward.
Club Vision Kathryne May 2013-03-22 00:00:00Z 0

Army Cadet Program

Posted by Kathryne May on Feb 28, 2013

Master Warrant Office Ashley Anderson spoke of the Army Cadet Program in general and our Club's donation in particular.  Member Ken Taylor carried on with the presentation from a "Band" viewpoint.
There was a "drum display" to present the advantages of the new equipment.

Mr. Duane Sharp addressed the unit's funding sources and fielded general questions.

Brad Butt formally thanked MWO Anderson for her presentation.  Thank you to Ken for your contribution!

Army Cadet Program Kathryne May 2013-03-01 00:00:00Z 0

Laura Caruso

Posted by Kathryne May on Feb 21, 2013

Longtime member Al Munro introduced our guest speaker; Laura Caruso.  Laura is a 2nd year student in wildlife biology at Queen’s University.  In July she’ll be taking a volunteer research trip to South Africa to participate in Operation Wallacea. 

Operation Wallacea is a network of academics from European and North American universities, who design and implement biodiversity and conservation management research programmes. Research is supported by students who join the programme, to strengthen their CV or resume, gain course credit, or collect data for a dissertation or thesis.

Laura gave an interesting video presentation of the important research she will be doing on the trip and would welcome any assistance that our club might contribute to funds she has already raised from various projects to cover her costs.

She was thanked by Glenn Crawford

Laura Caruso Kathryne May 2013-02-22 00:00:00Z 0

Cheque Presented to Lighthouse for Grieving Children

Posted by Kathryne May on Feb 21, 2013
On February 9 the Rotary Club of Mississauga Meadowvale hosted a fabulous Valentine Dinner and Dance extravaganza with the proceeds benefiting the Lighthouse for Grieving Children.  On February 22nd our club was thrilled to present a cheque for $12,000 to Executive Director, Britta Martini-Miles.  The Lighthouse for Grieving children supports Peel Region children and teens in their very personal experience of grief by providing a safe place to verbalize their difficult and often complex feelings and thoughts.
Cheque Presented to Lighthouse for Grieving Children Kathryne May 2013-02-22 00:00:00Z 0

Pat Saito - Councilor Ward 9

Posted by Kathryne May on Feb 14, 2013
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What better way to learn about what’s happening in our community than to hear it from someone in the know.  Pat Saito, Councilor for Ward 9 updated members on the plans for the new Meadowvale Community Centre which will commence in April 2014 and is scheduled for completion by 2016.  The completed Centre will provide exciting expanded facilities for our community.  In the interim, Rivergrove is preparing for increased participation during the two year closure.  Councilor Saito also updated the club on the numerous business development initiatives taking place in our community.  Thank you Councilor Saito for keeping us in the loop.
Pat Saito - Councilor Ward 9 Kathryne May 2013-02-15 00:00:00Z 0

Jeff O’Leary – inauguration

Posted by Jeffrey O'Leary on Feb 14, 2013
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Our club was delighted to welcome our newest member, Jeff O’Leary, when he was officially inaugurated into the Club.  Jeff is a Sales Representative with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service in Mississauga.  Welcome Jeff!
Jeff O’Leary – inauguration Jeffrey O'Leary 2013-02-15 00:00:00Z 0

Mark Cashin recieves the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award

Posted by Mark Cashin on Feb 14, 2013
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Mark Cashin – receives the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award

Brad Butt, MP and Sue McFadden, Councilor Ward 10 presented Mark Cashin with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee award for his service and contribution to the community.  Congratulations Mark for a well-deserved award.

This commemorative medal was created to mark the 2012 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada. The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal is a tangible way to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians. 


Mark Cashin recieves the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Award Mark Cashin 2013-02-15 00:00:00Z 0

Our 5th Annual Valentine's Dance (Feb 9)

Posted by David O'Hearn on Jan 28, 2013

Our Annual Valentine's Dance is fast approaching! 

Join us on Sat Feb 9th for an evening of dining, dancing and romance -- all in support of Lighthouse for Grieving Children.

Tickets are still available but they are selling quickly!  $100 per ticket or a table of 10 for $900.

 See the attached flyer for details or contact us to buy your tickets today!Image

Our 5th Annual Valentine's Dance (Feb 9) David O'Hearn 2013-01-29 00:00:00Z 0

Lynda Cowan shares her experiences in Nogales, Mexico with the Shoebox Project

Posted by Lynda Cowan on Jan 24, 2013
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In the foothills of the Sierra Madre mountains lie towns embedded with rugged character and history.  The poorest of the poor people who inhabit some of these 'Colonias' endure a harsh climate and an even harsher economy. Many of their homes are made from scavenged material, and provide little protection from the elements which send cold winds through gaping holes in their makeshift walls. Living with the climatic conditions that this mountainous area present, these gracious Mexicans rely on the charity of churches and service groups to provide some simple necessities. Meadowvale Rotarian Lynda Cowan joined other Rotarians in the Northern Mexico town of Nogales to demonstrate Rotary generosity.  Lynda shared her experience and pictures of the people she met during her visit to Nogales.  Lynda and company distributed school supplies, food, blankets and other essentials the grateful residents of Nogales.  It was wonderful to hear Lynda's heart warming stories of kindness, generosity and friendship.  Thank you Lynda for contributing your time to this worthwhile project and for sharing your experiences with our club!
Lynda Cowan shares her experiences in Nogales, Mexico with the Shoebox Project Lynda Cowan 2013-01-25 00:00:00Z 0

Hi Collaborative - Cheryl Miller

Posted by Kathryne May on Jan 10, 2013
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Our Club welcomed Cheryl Miller, Executive Director of Hi Collaborative.  Hi Collaborative is a single source for health information in Mississauga.  Hi Collaborative pulls information for a variety of services and consolidates this information in a single website location; www.consumerhealthinfo.ca.  All information is pulled from Canadian sources and reflect the government of Canada guidelines.  Hi Collaborative focuses on the top 10 diseases effecting our community and will be expanding to other communities.

Thank you Cheryl!

Hi Collaborative - Cheryl Miller Kathryne May 2013-01-11 00:00:00Z 0

Holiday Celebration - December 14th

Posted by Kathryne May on Dec 13, 2012
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Our Rotary Club celebrated the holidays with our annual Holiday Dinner on December 14th.  Al Munro did a fantastic, as usual, in coordinating and hosting this event.  Al began the evening with a presentation of fun pictures of the gang which were taken the previous year.  This should have served as a warning to behave this year...but that just wouldn't be any fun!  Hilarity ensued with the annual gift exchange.  Lynda Cowan's guest, Steve, took much ribbing and was terrific sport.  Thank you Al for a terrific night.  Happy holidays and best wishes for 2013!
Holiday Celebration - December 14th Kathryne May 2012-12-14 00:00:00Z 0

Lesley Barmania - Trip to South Africa

Posted by Kathryne May on Dec 06, 2012
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Our much loved and incredibly well travelled President Elect, Lesley Barmania, graciously shared highlights of her recent trip to South Africa.  Her husband Aziz, who is from South Africa, joined us to share in the presentation and add some background details that were fascinating.  Lesley brought to life the social complexities of this region and the generosity of spirit that she encountered time and again.  Lesley visited Rotary clubs while in South Africa and shared some interested initiatives that these clubs are undertaking.  Thank you for sharing your adventures with us Lesley!
Lesley Barmania - Trip to South Africa Kathryne May 2012-12-07 00:00:00Z 0

Peel Children's Aid - Geer Harvey and Greta Liupakka

Posted by Kathryne May on Nov 29, 2012

The Peel Children's Aid speakers - Geer Harvey and Greta Liupakka spoke to us about the service they provide to the community and their mandate to protect children against abuse and neglect, and help parents and caregivers build healthy family environments.   Unfortunately, many people have a negative opinion of Peel Children's Aid ("they take our children away from us"), but this is not the case.   When Aid workers receive a phone call - often from professionals who are concerned about a child's welfare, they investigate and decide on a course of action.  Aid workers' first preference is to keep the child within the family unit i.e. in the care of grandparents, or other relatives whenever possible, and provide support and resources to parents, caregivers and foster parents.  They also spoke about domestic violence, in most cases against women.  However, domestic violence spans race, gender, professions and class.  Thank you to Geer and Greta for sharing this information with our club.


Peel Children's Aid - Geer Harvey and Greta Liupakka Kathryne May 2012-11-30 00:00:00Z 0


Posted by Kathryne May on Nov 22, 2012
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Mr. Doug Smith spoke to our club on Friday November 23 about ErinOakKids.  Mr. Smith has more than 30 years experience in non-profit sector, much of that time was with the Salvation Army, before recently joining Erin Oak Kids.   Mr. Smith thanked the club for our support of ErinOakKids over the past many years and provided feedback on the programs that clubs donations have helped fund. 

ErinOakKids is the largest treatment center in Ontario for children with physical and/or developmental challenges.  The organization is wholly funded by the Ontario Government however there are many programs that are underfunded or do not receive government monies at all, such as; Indepent Living Program, Music Therapy, Drama and Creative Arts Programs and a Therapeutic Recreation Program.  These initiatives are paid for and managed through donations and volunteerism. 

ErinOakKids Kathryne May 2012-11-23 00:00:00Z 0

Remembrance Day - Royal Canadian Legion

Posted by Kathryne May on Nov 08, 2012
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Our club was honored to have Mr. Benjamin R.C. Pearce, William Hogg and George Pelling of The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 139, Streetsville, visit our club.  Mr. Pearce shared the history of the Streetsville Chapter and the many programs that the Royal Canadian Legion manages to the benefit of our community and our veterans.   Streetsville attained their chapter in December 1928, just two years after the British Empire Service League was formed, (which became the Royal Canadian Legion in 1960).  Mr. Pearce talked about the many programs, such as the Cadets and the Poppy Campaign, which the Legion coordinates to raise funds.  The Poppy Campaign is an important fundraider for the Legion and a reminder to our community of the sacrifices made by our military.  By wearing the Poppy we demonstrate our gratitude to those who gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy.   Remembrance Day is also a time to recognize those who have not died but who suffer from wounds and disabilities as a result of their military service.  Mr. Pearce emphasized that the money raised from the sale of Remembrance Day Poppies is used to benefit veterans in a variety of ways; Educational Bursaries, comfort for those who are hospitalized and medical research, to name a few.    All monies raised, less expenses, are held in trust and cannot be used except as directed and authorized by the General By laws of the Royal  Canadian Legion.   Campaign expenses are generally low because most of the work is voluntary.


Thank you to Brad Butt for organizing our speaker this week.  And sprecial thanks to Mr. Pearce, Mr. Hogg and Mr. Pelling for visiting our club and for their work in supporting our veterans. 

Remembrance Day - Royal Canadian Legion Kathryne May 2012-11-09 00:00:00Z 0

Dolores Adams - Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Posted by Kathryne May on Nov 01, 2012

Dolores Adams visited our club to discuss the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and shared facts about the disease, the progress that has made over the past generation and the challenges that face families living with Cystic fibrosis (CF). 

CF is a genetic disorder that particularly affects the lungs and digestive system and makes kids who have it more vulnerable to repeated lung infections.  Today, thanks to high-tech medical advances in drug therapy and genetics, children born with CF can look forward to longer and more comfortable lives. In the last 10 years, research into all aspects of CF has helped doctors to understand the illness better and to develop new therapies.

CF occurs when a child inherits two defective copies of the gene responsible for CF, one from each parent.  Approximately one in 25 Canadians is a CF carrier, carrying only one defective version of the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis. Carriers do not have, and can never get, cystic fibrosis. In most cases, they are not even aware they are carriers until they have a child with CF. 

Some facts about CF;

  • Children, and adults, with CF are generally much smaller than their peers.
  • A person with CF will have a very salty taste to their skin. 
  • One person dies from cystic fibrosis in Canada each week
  • One in every 3,600 children born in Canada has cystic fibrosis
  • Cumulatively, CF patients spent over 20,000 days in hospital and attended nearly 15,000 clinic visits in 2010
  • Today, half of all Canadians with cystic fibrosis are expected to live into their 40s and beyond
  • 85% of individuals with cystic fibrosis must take pancreatic enzymes to digest food and absorb nutrients
  • 44 CF patients received transplants in 2010, more than double compared to a decade ago
  • Nearly half of all patients with cystic fibrosis are infected with harmful bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and/or Pseudomonas aeruginosa in their lungs which is very dangerous to other CF patients. 

Thank you Dolores for sharing this information with our club.


Dolores Adams - Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Kathryne May 2012-11-02 00:00:00Z 0

Mark Cashin Classification speech

Posted by Kathryne May on Oct 25, 2012
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Members classification speeches are a great opportunity to get to know our fellow Rotarians.   Member Mark Cashin gave his classification speach this past Friday.  To say that Mark is a talented presenter would be an understatement.  His story moved us from tears to laughter, Mark has a gift for rising above adversity and maintaining a great sense of humour.  By age ten Mark had lost both his brother and his mother.  Clearly Mark was an intelligent and curious child who channeled these gifts into a great deal of mischief.  Utimately his father decided that Mark needed greater discipline and structure and enrolled him at the private boarding school St. Martins.  Mark described this as a pivotal time in his life.  He still managed to get into a fair amount of trouble but his activities tended towards entrepreneurial endeavors that landed him in hot water with the Dean of the school on more than one occassion.  Mark is a born entrepreneur who has pursued various business interested from childhood to present day.  Mark had a very successful catering company before switching careers to his current role; financing mortagages for a wide variety of clientele.  Mark told his story with much humor and we couldn't help but cheer for the little boy who had such a difficult start but never stopped looking forward.  He credited Rotary with helping focus his tremendous energy into positive areas; Mark has been a Rotarian for more than 20 years.  Mark was especially sweet when describing meeting his wife.  He knew immediately that this was the woman with whom he wanted to marry and raise a family.  They have two boys; if they are half as mischievous as Mark was as a boy they will never have a dull moment in the Cashin household!
Mark Cashin Classification speech Kathryne May 2012-10-26 00:00:00Z 0

Matthew Wilkinson - Heritage Mississauga

Posted by Kathryne May on Sep 27, 2012
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The Rotary Club of Mississauga Meadowvale welcomed back Matthew Wilkinson who shared with us some of the Mississauga links to the war of 1812.  Interestingly many solidiers had family on both sides of the conflict.   Canada was expected to fall easily to the American's, Thomas Jefferson famously said the "the acquisition of Canada...will be a mere matter of marching".   We only had 600 enlisted men to protect about 100 miles of border.  The enlisted men were aided by militia.  This caused it's own problems and some tragic comedy; militia had to provide their own uniforms and weapons so there was no consistency in terms of ammunition or identifying garb.  At one point troops had fought for two hours before sadly realizing they were all fighting for the same side!   

He spoke about Isaac Brock and the important and critical contributions of Major Charles Plenderleight.  Once the treaty was signed in December 1814 news did not reach the front lines until March of 1815.

Matthew informed us that their would be a re-enactment of the battle at Queenston Heights on the 13th of October. 
Matthew Wilkinson - Heritage Mississauga Kathryne May 2012-09-28 00:00:00Z 0

District Governor Ian Ferguson

Posted by Kathryne May on Sep 20, 2012
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The Rotary club of Mississauga-Meadowvale was pleased to welcome our District Governor Ian Ferguson to our club meeting.  Ian covered a wide range of topics and discussed the initiatives of Rotary International.   Membership was an important theme and Ian emphasized retention through engagement, noting that retaining our current members was more important than new membership.  The onus is on each Rotarian to ensure than we are including all members in our projects and activities.   

The club was excited to hear that RI is embarking on a marketing campaign designed to raise awareness.  The re-branding of the Rotary image and message will begin in 2012. 

Ian talked about the Rotary efforts to End Polio.  He believes we are within two years of eradicating this awful disease.  He noted that the Canadian government was among the top eight countries in the world who support Rotary's fight against Polio.  In terms of our international efforts, Ian also touched upon our RI Presidents mission of Peace.  He noted that seven centers offering education in conflict resolution known as "Peace Centers" are to be established and supported by Rotary. 

Ian embodies the spirit if Rotary and encourages each of us to live by the Rotary motto; "Service before Self:.  He noted that "service is the rent you pay for being on this earth".

District Governor Ian Ferguson Kathryne May 2012-09-21 00:00:00Z 0

Canadian Blood Services

Posted by Kathryne May on Sep 13, 2012
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Laura Ashton, Community Development Coordinator for Canadian Blood Services visited our club on September 14th.  Canadian Blood Services is a national not-for-profit, charitable organization whose sole mission is to manage the blood and blood products supply for Canadians.  The organization collects aproximately 850,000 units of blood annually and processes it into the components and products that are administered to thousands of patients each year.  Canadian Blood Services ensures blood safety through effective screening and testing processes.  The gift of blood could make the difference between life and death for people.   Thank you Laura for sharing the mission and need for this essential service with our club. 
Canadian Blood Services Kathryne May 2012-09-14 00:00:00Z 0

The Lighthouse for Grieving Children

Posted by Kathryne May on Sep 06, 2012
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Britta Martini-Miles visited our club and shared the mission and success of The Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children which provides support to children who have experienced the lost of a parent or sibling.  Britta has been the Executive Director of the Lighthouse Program since November 2011. 
Often children in these circumstances feel isolated and alone.  The Lighthouse provides an essential outlet for children to deal with the loss and take some comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone.  Children meet peers who are struggling with similar losses.  Parents, who feel overwhelmed with their own grief and struggle to “continue life as before”, find comfort in knowing their children are given the support they need at the Lighthouse.  The organization is located in Oakville but provides services to kids through out the Halton and Peel region.  I have had the opportunity to speak with a couple of teenagers who went through the program and noted the positive impact Lighthouse had on their lives.  Rotary member Mark Cashin thanked Britta for her presentation and moved many of us to tears when he spoke briefly of his personal journey.  Having experienced loss at a young age he knew the pain that these children deal with and the difference that Lighthouse could make on a child's future.  Thank you Britta for bringing Lighthouse to our attention, and to Mark for sharing your experience.
The Lighthouse for Grieving Children Kathryne May 2012-09-07 00:00:00Z 0

Yennifer Pang-Chung - Canada World Youth

Posted by Kathryne May on Aug 23, 2012
Yennifer is a motivated young lady who reached out to the Rotary Club of Mississauga Meadowvale to ask for assistance in financing a trip with Canada World Youth that requires her to leave her home in Mississauga for 6 months abroad.  Yennifer will spend 3 months with a host family in a small village in Indonesia followed by 3 months in Halifax with young adults from Indonesia.  Canada World Youth (CWY) is a world leader in developing international educational programs for young people aged 15 to 35. A non-profit organization, CWY is dedicated to enriching the lives of young people that have a desire to become informed and active global citizens. CWY programs are designed to help youth experience the world for themselves, learn about other cultures and diverse Canadian communities while developing leadership and communication skills.  CWY follows the priorities and guidelines set by the UN.  The projects that CWY will embark upon in Indonesia will offer health benefits and sustainability.   Glenn Crawford and Kathy May presented Yennifer with a cheque for $1000 to help finance this worthy endeavor. 
Yennifer Pang-Chung - Canada World Youth Kathryne May 2012-08-24 00:00:00Z 0

Carol Kotacka

Posted by Kathryne May on Aug 23, 2012
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The Rotary Club of Mississauga Meadowvale welcomed Carol Kotacka who brought us up to date on the merger of Mississaga Trillium and Credit Valley hospitals.  Carol shared some astounding data with our group; Mississauga's hospitals are among the busiest in the province nonetheless the hospitals have successfully reduced wait times in Emergency by 30%.  Carol canvassed our club for opinions on what we felt were top priorities and promised to visit the club again to provide an update and continue our discussion.  Thank you Carol!
Carol Kotacka Kathryne May 2012-08-24 00:00:00Z 0

Arusha Project

Posted by Kathryne May on Aug 16, 2012

On August 17th, John Land, International Services Director for the Rotary Club of Streetsville gave a brief presentation about the New Hope for Better Life (NHBL) skills centre project in Arusha, Tanzania.  The project's goal is to address poverty and the underemployment problem of women and youth.  They plan to build a new skills centre which will provide short, inexpensive programs that will enable participants to start their own businesses in support of the tourism industry in the vicinity of Mount Kilimanjaro.  The 4-month programs will cost $100 per student and can be paid for in monthly installments.  The five new skills programs will focus on sewing, music, woodwork, embroidery and computer repairs.

Lesley Barmania of the Rotary Club of Mississauga Meadowvale, who has partnered with the Streetsville Club on this project, presented John Land with a cheque for $5,000.  The Arusha project was initiated by John Land of the Streetsville Club and sponsored by Maureen Bird and the Rotary Club of Toronto (a New Visions pilot club).

Arusha Project Kathryne May 2012-08-17 00:00:00Z 0

Distress Centre Peel

Posted by Kathryne May on Aug 16, 2012
The Distress Centre Peel provides free 24 hour telephone support, crisis intervention and referral services to the people of Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon.  LeeAnne Chowen, Program Manager for the Centre, visited our club to discuss the essential services that her organization provides.  The Distress Centre Peel is now in it's 40th year and manages aproximately 35,000 calls a year.   Every call is answered by a highly trained volunteer.  Each volunteer is skilled at every thing from providing community information to crisis management.  But the greatest skill of the volunteers is their ability to listen.   LeeAnne identified the top issues as; mental helath, interpersonal, addicitons, physical health, occupational/financial and suicide.  Three to five percent of these calls are suicide related. 
Distress Centre Peel Kathryne May 2012-08-17 00:00:00Z 0

Naila Baig shares her RYLA experience

Posted by Kathryne May on Aug 09, 2012
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We first met Naila Baig several years ago when she was an Interac student at Meadowvale Secondary School.  Naila is now entering her third year at Carleton University and recently attended the RYLA conference in Orangeville.  Naila shared her experiences and appreciation for the leadership training that she received through RYLA.  While praising the content of the five conference, she was especially thankful for the friendships that she made. 
Naila Baig shares her RYLA experience Kathryne May 2012-08-10 00:00:00Z 0

Follow us on Twitter !

Posted by David O'Hearn on Aug 03, 2012
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As part of our new communications strategy, we are pleased to announce our new Twitter account.

Don't forget to follow us @RCMeadowvale to keep up with the latest news and events happening with our club!
Follow us on Twitter ! David O'Hearn 2012-08-04 00:00:00Z 0

Shoebox Program

Posted by Kathryne May on Jul 26, 2012
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Pat Dimeck brought us up to date with the Shoebox program.  She described how our funds were used in Nogales and Agua Prieta, Mexico and the initiatives of the Shoebox team to ensure sustainability.  Pat discussed the need for funds for backpacks, school supplies, warm clothing and blankets to the children in these areas of Mexico.  Pat noted that she will also be applying for a matching grant as well.  Her next trip will be in April /2013 and was encouraged by all the positive discussions around this project.
Shoebox Program Kathryne May 2012-07-27 00:00:00Z 0

RIC Center

Posted by Kathryne May on Jul 19, 2012
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Pam Banks, Executive Director for RIC Centre visited our club to talk about the RIC Centre and the services they offer to entrepreneur and business owners in the Region of Peel. 

The RIC Centre, which stands for "Research, Innovation, Commercialization", is a valuable resource for creative technical innovators and entrepreneurs.  The Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation (MEDI) supports RIC Centre as the go-to place for innovation support in Peel Region. As a not-for-profit organization the RIC Centre offers a comprehensive range of supporting activities for entrepreneurs including one-on-one coaching, practical training and networking events.  They help entrepreneurs take the next great idea to market.

Thank you Pam! 
RIC Center Kathryne May 2012-07-20 00:00:00Z 0

President David O'Hearn presents his plan

Posted by Kathryne May on Jul 12, 2012
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President David O'Hearn presented his plan for the new Rotary year.  David acknowledged past club achievements with a commitment to build upon our successes.   With a nod to the past and enthusiasm for the 2012/13 year, David emphasized areas he wishes to expand and improve, specifically;
  • increase our membership through new initiatives
  • improve club efficiency by using online tools and social media
  • raise awareness of Rotary within the community
  • expand our international presence
David has called upon all members to be creative and brave with new ideas and initiatives.  Thank you David, we are looking forward to a great year under your tutelage. 
President David O'Hearn presents his plan Kathryne May 2012-07-13 00:00:00Z 0

Piero Molinaro - Classification Speech

Posted by Kathryne May on Jul 05, 2012
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Club Member Piero Molinaro gave his classification speech.  Piero owns and operates Insurance Executives, a insurance brokerage office located in Mississauga.  Piero shared his life experiences which included a very motivating message about taking risks, believing in yourself and ultimately overcoming adversity.   Through the love and support of his family Piero has built a thriving business that continues to grow through hard work and strategic acquisitions.  Thank you for sharing your inspirational story with us Piero!
Piero Molinaro - Classification Speech Kathryne May 2012-07-06 00:00:00Z 0

Ridding World of Polio is a Family Affair (from Mississauga News)

Posted by David O'Hearn on Mar 01, 2012
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Club Member Mark Cashin and his family are the subject of a recent Mississauga News article for raising $5,000 for Polio Plus.  Approximately 105 pounds of coins were collected and our club collected donations to 'top it up' to the $5,000 mark.  Club President Balwinder Jandu met with Mark at a BMO bank branch and used their coin counter.

To read the full article from the Mississauga News (March 2, 2012), click here.
Ridding World of Polio is a Family Affair (from Mississauga News) David O'Hearn 2012-03-02 00:00:00Z 0

Fundraising Ideas

Posted by David O'Hearn on Feb 09, 2012
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On Feb 10th, club member Ken Taylor (along with International Director, Lesley Barmania) made a presentation to our club as part of a Club Assembly.  The purpose of this presentation was to update the club on a number of fundraising ideas that were discussed at a meeting hosted by Lesley earlier in the month.

Ken outlined a number of different initiatives discussed, in order to promote discussion and gauge interest from the club members on each idea put forth.  It is our goal to expand the number of fundraising projects next year, in an effort to expand our fundraising base and fund a number of new projects.
Fundraising Ideas David O'Hearn 2012-02-10 00:00:00Z 0

ClubRunner Presentation

Posted by David O'Hearn on Feb 02, 2012
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On Feb 3, 2012, club members Kathy May and David O'Hearn made a presentation on ClubRunner, the website hosting software written specifically for Rotary clubs.  This is the hosting solution used by our own club as well as many other Rotary clubs all over the world (including District 7080).

ClubRunner Presentation David O'Hearn 2012-02-03 00:00:00Z 0
Rotary in SNAP! Magazine (Mississauga) David O'Hearn 2012-02-01 00:00:00Z 0

The Power of Matching Grants

Posted by David O'Hearn on Jan 26, 2012
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Fresh off this month's President's Meeting, members Lesley Barmania and Kathy May made a presentation to our club on January 27th, 2012.

The presentation outlined and explained "The Power of Matching Grants" and outlined the differences and uses of both the District Simplified Grants and the Rotary Foundation Grants.

  • District Simplified Grants:
    • Limit of $2k per club or $5k cluster 
    • Will match dollar-for-dollar
    • New projects and community projects
  • Rotary Foundation Grants:
    • International humanitarian projects
    • Two clubs working together -- partner with a club in the region
    • Match 1/2 of the $$$ 
    • PLUS match dollar-for-dollar of District

The Power of Matching Grants David O'Hearn 2012-01-27 00:00:00Z 0

Community Living Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn on Jan 26, 2012
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Brett Paveling, from Community Living Missisauga, was at our meeting on January 27th to accept a $2,500 donation from our club to their organization.

 For more information on this wonderful organization, please visit their web site.

(pictured l-r: Community Director Ralph Ingraham; Ms. Rende; President Bal Jandu)

Community Living Mississauga David O'Hearn 2012-01-27 00:00:00Z 0

Autism Ontario

Posted by David O'Hearn on Jan 19, 2012
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Rhian Gavin, President of Autism Ontario (Peel Chapter) was our guest speaker on January 20th, 2012.  As a parent of an autistic child (her youngest son is autistic), Ms. Gavin spoke of the 29 chapters in Ontario, consisting of parents, volunteers and professionals and that they provide research, programs and services for the children and their families, including monthly activites and monthly chapter meetings.  1 in 90 children; (4 of 5 are male) are diagnosed with some form of autism.

For more information, visit Autism Ontario

Autism Ontario David O'Hearn 2012-01-20 00:00:00Z 0

St. John Ambulance

Posted by David O'Hearn on Jan 19, 2012
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On January 20th, 2012, our club was very pleased to present a cheque for $1,000 in support of St. John Ambulance to Diane Rende.
(pictured l-r: Community Director Ralph Ingraham; Ms. Rende; President Bal Jandu)

St. John Ambulance David O'Hearn 2012-01-20 00:00:00Z 0

Maximized Living Lifestyle Makeover

Posted by David O'Hearn on Jan 12, 2012
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On January 13, 2012, Dr. Casey Sinclair and Dr. Morgan Sinclair, both of Streetsville Chiropractic, were our guest speakers. 

Dr. Casey (an ex-Rotaract member) and Dr. Morgan spoke about the "Maximized Living Lifestyle Makeover" and the 5 Essentials to Health to combat the following:

  • Stress
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Lack of Oxygenation
  • Toxicity
  • Subluxation

Maximized Living Lifestyle Makeover David O'Hearn 2012-01-13 00:00:00Z 0

Cathy Goodale -- MS Society

Posted by David O'Hearn on Jan 05, 2012
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On January 6, 2012 we welcomed Cathy Goodale of the MS Society as our speaker.  Cathy spoke about her fundraising efforts, including climbs in Peru and Tanzania.  Organized by the MS Society, these climbs have raised $800,000 thus far.  For more information, visit: http://mssociety.ca

Cathy Goodale -- MS Society David O'Hearn 2012-01-06 00:00:00Z 0

Erin Oak Kids - Cheque Presentation

Posted by David O'Hearn on Dec 15, 2011

On Dec 16th, 2011, our club welcomed Sharon, Shelley and Marla from Erin Oak Kids.  They told us of their various efforts, including their Infant Hearing Program.  Our club was pleased to also make a cheque presentation to Erin Oak Kids in support of the fine work they do.


Erin Oak Kids - Cheque Presentation David O'Hearn 2011-12-16 00:00:00Z 0

Dave Moro - Golf Pro at Credit Valley

Posted by David O'Hearn on Nov 24, 2011
Dave Moro, Director of Instruction at Credit Valley Golf Club, was our speaker on November 25, 2011.  Our club enjoyed his presentation duing which he spoke of the psychology of golf, personal training and fitness. 
Dave Moro - Golf Pro at Credit Valley David O'Hearn 2011-11-25 00:00:00Z 0

Rebecca's Hope

Posted by David O'Hearn on Nov 17, 2011

On November 18th, 2011, Theo Marie Borg, founder of Rebecca's Hope, was our guest speaker.  Her daughter, Rebecca, passed away from leukemia in October 2003 at age 21.  Inspired by her daughter's demeanor and positive attitude, she started Rebecca's Hope in support of leukemia research.  Through fundraising events such as cruises, garage sales, walks, dances and donations, Rebecca's Hope has raised $1.5 million in the last 8 years, resulting in two medical fellowships and clinical trial nurses and the Rebecca's Hope Lounge at Princess Margaret Hospital.

Rebecca's Hope David O'Hearn 2011-11-18 00:00:00Z 0

Habitat For Humanity

Posted by David O'Hearn on Nov 03, 2011

Our club welcomed Patricia Laurence and Nancy Bailey of Habitat for Humanity-Mississauga on November 4, 2011.  We heard that over 14,000 families in Peel Region are on the waiting list for affordable housing.  Habitat for Humanity families work for their homes, contributing 500 hours of 'sweat equity' and repay an interest-free loan with affordable monthly payments on a 30-year term.  Patricia and Nancy also spoke of the new Mississauga ReStore which will be opening in Feb 2012 -- it will sell new and gently-used construction items at 50%-70% lower than retail.  In 2010 alone, the ReStores in Canada diverted more than 20,600 tonnes of landfill and recycled over 2.1 million pounds of metal.

Habitat For Humanity David O'Hearn 2011-11-04 00:00:00Z 0

Community Living Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn on Oct 27, 2011
On October 28, 2011, our club welcomed Brett Paveling and Reaunna Taggart from Community Living Mississauga, which helps individuals with intellectual disabilities.  Reaunna spoke about her experiences with the summer program, where she had a work placement at a dog grooming business.  Brett spoke of their employment resource centre, summer and full-time employment programs. 
Community Living Mississauga David O'Hearn 2011-10-28 00:00:00Z 0

Canada-Africa Soccer Friendship Assocation

Posted by David O'Hearn on Oct 20, 2011
Our club welcomed back, Mark Anthony Atine-Ayo of The Canada-Africa Soccer Friendship Assocation on October 21, 2011.  Mark Anthony updated the club on his Uganda Soccer Project, which has 5,000 kids participating, by counseling the kids through sport and books. 
Canada-Africa Soccer Friendship Assocation David O'Hearn 2011-10-21 00:00:00Z 0

District 7080 Shoebox Project

Posted by David O'Hearn on Sep 29, 2011

Members of the Waterloo and Mississauga West Rotary clubs joined our meeting on September 30, 2011 to update us on the District 7080 Shoebox Project.  Cash donations and shoebox donations are used to supply the residents of Sonora, Mexico with school supplies, warm clothing , toys and simple toiletries. The program has succeeded in establishing a good relationship with the community and the local Rotarians in Mexico and Arizona.

Our club was very pleased to make a $1,000 donation to this project. 

District 7080 Shoebox Project David O'Hearn 2011-09-30 00:00:00Z 0

Welcome to our Two New Members (Brad Butt and Ken Taylor)

Posted by David O'Hearn on Sep 15, 2011

On September 16, 2011, our club was very pleased to have 7080 District Governor Brian Carmichael of the Erin Rotary Club induct TWO new members into our club -- Conservative MP Brad Butt and Ken Taylor.  

As well, DG Carmichael spoke of the changes to Rotary at the International level, Rotary Citations, and the new membership programs -- Associate Member, Corporate Member and Satellite Member -- as well as the Innovative & Flexible Club Program (adopted by the Mississauga-Dixie Club).

Welcome to our Two New Members (Brad Butt and Ken Taylor) David O'Hearn 2011-09-16 00:00:00Z 0
Claudine LaRochelle - Yoga for Golfers David O'Hearn 2011-08-05 00:00:00Z 0
Hon. Tim Uppal -- MP Edmonton-Sherwood Park David O'Hearn 2011-07-22 00:00:00Z 0

D'Arcy Gibson - Classification Speech

Posted by David O'Hearn on Jul 14, 2011

On July 15, 2011, we had a very interesting Classification Speech by one of our members.  D'Arcy Gibson, a charter member of this club, gave his (re-)Classification Speech, outlining his personal history for the club members.

D'Arcy Gibson - Classification Speech David O'Hearn 2011-07-15 00:00:00Z 0
Annual Valentine's Gala Marilyn Minto 0

Walk for ALS / Andrene

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Sept 18th, 2010, a special event took place to raise funds for ALS.  Some local residents organized the 'Walk For Andrene' at Streetsville Memorial Park (on the island).  Many people showed their support and we raised over $31,000 (see Mississauga News article here).

Our club made a donation and club member, David O'Hearn and his band, The Weathered Kings, performed at the event for the 250 participants.
Walk for ALS / Andrene David O'Hearn 0

Rotary Food Drive

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Oct 2nd, 2010, our club organized a food drive at the local Sobey's on Tenth Line.  Thanks to the staff at Sobey's and all who supported our efforts and/or donated food -- a special thanks to organizer Lynda Cowan.
Rotary Food Drive David O'Hearn 0

Rotary Foundation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Sept 24th, 2010, our club was pleased to have Syd Harmon, 2006-2007 District 7080 Governor, visit our club and speak to us about Rotary International Foundation.  Syd related that, as Rotarians, we are making a difference in promoting world understanding and peace, water and literacy.  He also spoke about District Simplified Grants, matching grants, Group Study Exchange and the "Every Rotarian, Every Year" initiative.
Rotary Foundation David O'Hearn 0

Polio Plus Update

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Oct 8th, 2010, our club was very pleased to have Haida Wilson, Cambridge North Past President (2002).  She is also Polio Plus Chair, District Vice-Chair of the Rotary Health Fair Action Group.  Haida spoke of the success of the Polio Plus program and how a donation of as little as $60 provides 100 oral doses of the polio vaccine.
Polio Plus Update David O'Hearn 0

Delicious Detox

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Oct 15, 2010, our club was pleased to welcome Dr. Carol Morley, a licensed naturopathic doctor, to speak about her Mississauga practice and also about her new cookbook, Delicious Detox.
Delicious Detox David O'Hearn 0

The Dam

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Oct 22nd, 2010, Carol Reist of The DAM returned for a visit to our club and spoke about The DAM's successes, current initiatives and their desire to "promote a sense of community and 'touching points'".  Our club was pleased to make a donation to The DAM towards the purchase of a commercial dishwasher for the new kitchen on the premises.
The Dam David O'Hearn 0

Trillium Health Centre Foundation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Oct 29th, 2010, Mary Serganese of the Trillium Health Centre Foundation, spoke to our club about the efforts of their foundation and volunteers ("Giving 110%").  As well, our club presented Mary with a cheque in the amount of $5,000 for the Trillium Health Centre Foundation.

(pictured, Vocational Director Glenn Crawford; Mary Serganese; Club President Marilyn Nicol)
Trillium Health Centre Foundation David O'Hearn 0

Matthew Wilkinson

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Nov 5th, 2010, our club welcomed back one of our favourite speakers, Paul Harris Fellow and historian, Matthew Wilkinson as guest speaker.  Matthew spoke about the history of Lake Wabukayne, including the development of the land surrounding it (which was the Cook(e) family's farm).  He also spoke of the 6 historic plaques being installed in Streetsville.

(pictured, Community Director, Bal Jandu, in traditional Diwali dress)
Matthew Wilkinson David O'Hearn 0


Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Nov 12th, 2010, we welcomed Amanda Miller of JDRF Peel as our guest speaker.  Amanda spoke of the efforts of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, including the $112 million in research funding for 2010, 40 human clinical trials and 30+ industry partnerships, and the development of the 'artificial pancreas', as well as Nov 14 being National Diabetes Day.
JDRF Peel David O'Hearn 0

Steve Davidson - The Rep Company

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Nov 19th, 2010, our club welcomed Steve Davidson of The Rep Company, an electronics design and theatre/acoustic design company here in Mississauga.  Steve spoke about various topics, including the history of 3D and the "myth" behind 1080p high-definition television.
Steve Davidson - The Rep Company David O'Hearn 0

Welcome to our newest member, Terry Sedore !

Posted by David O'Hearn
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The club was very happy to induct a new member on May 21, 2010 -- Terry Sedore, of Racon Engineering.  Also present for the induction was Mississauga North ADG, Ron Nisbet (from the Streetsville club).

(pictured are Ron Nisbet, Terry Sedore and Club President Sue McFadden)
Welcome to our newest member, Terry Sedore ! David O'Hearn 0

Len Little - Classification Speech

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On May 21st, one of our new members, Len Little, presented his classification speech to the club.  Len, who owns and runs Lucy's Seafood Kitchen in Meadowvale, told us about being born in Ottawa and moving around to places such as Poland and Moncton, NB (his father was in the Canadian Armed Forces). 
Len Little - Classification Speech David O'Hearn 0

Camp Enterprise Students

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Students from Mount Carmel and Meadowvale S.S. who attended Rotary Camp Enterprise 2010 joined our club for lunch on May 14, 2010 and spoke of friendship, fellowship, the activities and how they enjoyed living in residence during this year's event.

Pictured are Ziad (Meadowvale S.S.), Aliana, Amanda, Natasha, Bryanna and Mount Carmel teacher, Ed Ponikvar.
Camp Enterprise Students David O'Hearn 0

Dr. Michael Zajdman

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On April 23, 2010, Dr. Michael Zajdman of Credit Valley Hospital was our guest and speaker.  Dr. Zajdman spoke about a patient of his, 13 year-old Daniel Tram, and the recent Credit Valley Foundation fundraisers, including our own club's Valentine's Dance.

Pictured here (left to right) are Incoming Club President Marilyn Nicol, Dr. Zajdman, and Rosa MacLeod, presenting contributions to the Credit Valley Foundation.
Dr. Michael Zajdman David O'Hearn 0

Joint Meeting of Missisauga Clubs (April 6)

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On April 6th, 2010 all of the Mississauga Rotary Clubs held a joint dinner meeting at Braeben Golf Club.  The guest speaker was former NCAA and CFL quarterback Chuck Ealey.

A great time was had by all in attendance.

As well, our club was pleased to induct two new members to our club that evening, Len Little and Ralph Ingraham (pictured here with President Sue McFadden).
Joint Meeting of Missisauga Clubs (April 6) David O'Hearn 0

Our Club Is Honoured by Heritage Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Feb 18th, 2010, Heritage Mississauga celebrated their 50th year and held an Awards Night in Port Credit.   For our continued work within the community, including the Osprey Marsh and Lisgar Tree Planting initiatives, the Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale was presented with an award by Heritage Mississauga's Matthew Wilkinson.  Our club looks forward to its continued involvement with this fine organization, including the upcoming Lake Wabukayne project.

(pictured, left to right, Irene Heger; David O'Hearn; Matthew Wilkinson)
Our Club Is Honoured by Heritage Mississauga David O'Hearn 0

Wayne Fyffe - Rotary

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On January 8th, 2010 our club started the new year with a talk by Wayne Fyffe about Rotary.  Wayne is ex-CEO of Credit Valley Hospital and a member of the Rotary Club of Mississauga West.  Wayne reminded the club that January is Rotary Awareness Month and also spoke about 2010 RI Convention happening in Montreal June 20-23 as well as the Polio Plus project.  Wayne also spoke about his experience going to the United Nations with Rotary.
Wayne Fyffe - Rotary David O'Hearn 0

Steve McIntyre - Discussion on Fraud

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Jan 15th, 2010, Steve McIntyre was our guest speaker.  Steve is a forensic accountant with McCarney Greenwood LLP and was formerly with Toronto Police Service as a Fraud &
Forgery Squad Investigator.  Steve spoke about various types of fraud including Ponzi schemes.
Steve McIntyre - Discussion on Fraud David O'Hearn 0

The History of Santa Claus

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On December 4, 2009 our club was pleased to welcome Matthew Wilkinson of Heritage Mississauga for a presentation on The History of Santa Claus.  Matthew's excellent presentation illustrated how the origins of St. Nicholas and and his Dec 6 birthday have coalesced with Sinder Klaus and the Winter Solstice to become the Dec 25 holiday we celebrate today.  Moreover, Matthew showed how the illustrations by Thomas Nast (a contemporary and friend of Mark Twain) during the time of the Civil War in America resulted in the modern-day iconic image of Santa Claus that we are familiar with today.
The History of Santa Claus David O'Hearn 0

Trees Ontario / Preparing the Trail 2010

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On November 27, 2009 our club was treated to two guest speakers: Michael Scott, President of Trees Ontario and Stuart Munro from Preparing the Trail 2010.  Both speakers presentations were about the urgent need for the replacement of natural cover lost to urban development.

Trees Ontario / Preparing the Trail 2010 David O'Hearn 0

Rotary Foundation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Dale Scheerer of the Credit Valley AM club was our guest speaker on Sept 25th, 2009.

Dale spoke to us about Rotary Foundation, about sustaining members and sustaining clubs ("Every Rotarian, Every Year").  Dale explained how RI is revising the grant application process to make it easier. He also explained about Paul Harris credits and differences between the District Designated fund (DDF) and World Fund (WF) and the Permanent Fund.

Rotary Foundation David O'Hearn 0

Alex Makarski - Referral Formula

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Sept 18th, 2009 we welcomed Alex Makarski of Referral Formula as our guest speaker.  Alex spoke about 'send out cards' as a method to reach a large number of contacts and ways to generate sales leads such as referring other people first and building goodwill and trust.
Alex Makarski - Referral Formula David O'Hearn 0

Our Club Welcomes District Governor Bob Palmateer

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Sept 11th, 2009, we were very pleased to welcome District Governor Bob Palmateer, his wife, Sharon and Asst. District Governor Ron Nesbitt as our guests.  DG Palmateer spoke of the history of Rotary and Canada's role in Rotary's growth.  As well as welcoming some of our newest members and inducting Gary Williams to our club, he also recognized Darcy Gibson as a charter member of our club in 1979.
Our Club Welcomes District Governor Bob Palmateer David O'Hearn 0

Welcome our newest member, Gary Williams

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Sept 11th, 2009 our club was pleased to welcome a new member, Gary Williams.
Gary was inducted by District Governor Bob Palmateer and sponsored by our Club President Sue McFadden.
Welcome our newest member, Gary Williams David O'Hearn 0

Wheelchair Program Update

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On August 28, our club was pleased to welcome Bob Pesant and Gord Newman of the Heart Lake club who updated us on their District 7080 project distributing wheelchairs in Mexico and Ecuador.
Wheelchair Program Update David O'Hearn 0

Haunted Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Friday, March 13, 2009 our club was treated to another interesting and entertaining presentation by historian Matthew Wilkinson of Heritage Mississauga, a frequent visitor to our club.  Matthew's brought a slide show along with great stories to present Haunted Mississauga, outlining some of the more enduring and famous 'ghost stories' related to Mississauga and its history, including The Adamson Estate, Cherry Hill House, The Old Barber House and Franklin House.  Well done, Matthew!
Haunted Mississauga David O'Hearn 0

Sylvia Canales - Nutritionist

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our guest speaker on March 6, 2009 was Sylvia Canales, who works with club member Marilyn Nicol as a nutritionist.  Along with some handouts, Sylvia spoke about the importance of healthy eating and nutrition, what a proper diet should consist of and a few ways in which your health can be measured in this regard, such as the BMI (Body Mass Index) calculation.

Thank you, Sylvia!
Sylvia Canales - Nutritionist David O'Hearn 0

Another New Member!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club continues to expand its membership!

 On March 6, 2009 we welcomed new member Vivek Salooja to our club, sponsored by Sue McFadden.  Pictured are ADG Raj Chopra, Vivek Salooja, Sue McFadden and Club President Glenn Crawford)
Another New Member! David O'Hearn 0

Two new members in as many weeks!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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We were very pleased to welcome Kathy May as our newest club member on Feb 27, 2009.  Kathy is our 2nd new member in as many weeks and we are looking forward to her participation in our club.

(pictured are: ADG Raj Chopra; Club President Glenn Crawford; Kathy May; Lynda Cowan-Sponsor)
Two new members in as many weeks! David O'Hearn 0

Water Project Donation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Also on Feb 27, 2009 (a very eventful club meeting to be sure), our club was very pleased to present our financial commitment for this year to the Rotary Water Project started by the Oakville West club.  Club President, Glenn Crawford, presented a cheque for $5,000 to David Angas. Funds to support this project were raised during our 1st Annual Valentine's Dance earlier this month.
Water Project Donation David O'Hearn 0

New Member Sponsorship Pin

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Feb 27, 2009 club member Balwinder Jandu was presented with a special Rotary pin as recognition of his sponsorship of a new member to our club this year.  Way to go, Bal!

(pictured are: Club President, Glenn Crawford; ADG Raj Chopra and Bal)
New Member Sponsorship Pin David O'Hearn 0

Ride Canada Wide

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Feb 27, 2009 our club was pleased to welcome Stuart Munro and Kyle Miller as our guest speakers.  Stuart & Kyle rode their bikes across Canada (over 6,500 km in 30 days) and raised $5,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation

Visit their web site for more information on their incredible journey!
Ride Canada Wide David O'Hearn 0

Welcome our Newest Member!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club was very pleased to induct a new member, Michael Trowell, on Feb 20th, 2009.  We were honoured to have District Governor Norm Binden attend our meeting and perform the induction ceremony (pictured left to right: Assistant DG Raj Chopra; DG Norm Binden; Michael Trowell; Club President Glenn Crawford).

Congratulations and welcome, Michael!
Welcome our Newest Member! David O'Hearn 0

Executive Chef - Delta Meadowvale

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Andrew Nelson, Executive Chef of the Delta Meadowvale, where we meet each week, was our guest speaker on Feb 20th, 2009.  Andrew treated the club to a demonstration of how to make Chocolate Mousse along with some ideas on presentation.  He concluded by allowing each of us to make our own and enjoy the delicious results.

Thank you, Andrew!
Executive Chef - Delta Meadowvale David O'Hearn 0

1st Annual Valentine's Dance

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Feb 14th, our club hosted it's first Valentine's Fundraising Dance at Braeben Golf Club, here in Mississauga. It was a great success with approximately 120 people in attendance.

(pictured here - from left to right - Dance Committee members Club President, Glenn Crawford; Marilyn Nicol; Sue McFadden; Lynda Cowan; Irene Heger; Jason Sack; missing: Ken Murphy).

Guests enjoyed a fabulous buffet dinner, live music by the Retro Rockets, as well as a Raffle and Silent Auction.  Members of the community, friends and family all had a great time.

Thanks to all the committee members and our club members and their guests for making this a very enjoyable and very worthwhile evening.

Funds raised will support water filtration projects in Africa.
1st Annual Valentine's Dance David O'Hearn 0

Janice Baker - City of Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club welcomed Janice Baker, City Manager/CAO of the City of Mississauga as our speaker on Feb 2, 2009.  Ms. Baker spoke about a number of issues affecting our city including upkeep of existing infrastructure, declining revenues from developer dollars and the various City initiatives including the Cities Now campaign.  It was an insightful look into the running of our city.

For more information, visit http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/cityhall/citiesnow.
Janice Baker - City of Mississauga David O'Hearn 0

Steve Mahoney - WSIB

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club welcomed Steve Mahoney, former Liberal MP and now Chair of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and his colleague, Mark, on January 30th, 2009.  Steve outlined the goals of WSIB including its Road To Zero campaign.  He also expressed the group's desire to increase public awareness of the role of WSIB through education campaigns and advertising.

Visit www.wsib.on.ca for more information.

Steve Mahoney - WSIB David O'Hearn 0

Mary McPherson - CNIB

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On January 16th, 2009, our club was pleased to welcome back Mary McPherson, who is now working for Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB).  Mary spoke about the many initiatives CNIB is involved in as well as the challenges faced.

Visit www.cnib.ca for more information or to volunteer.
Mary McPherson - CNIB David O'Hearn 0

Doctor Golf

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On November 7, 2008, our guest speaker was Todd Thompson, founder of Doctor Golf, a
"professional golf services company which is dedicated to the improvement and enjoyment of the your game of golf."

For more information, please visit http://www.doctorgolf.net

Doctor Golf David O'Hearn 0

Water Project

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On July 11th, 2008, we were pleased to welcome back fellow Rotarian David Angas.  David updated the club on the progress being made with the various water projects that our club, along with other Rotary clubs, has been funding.  Presently, there are 4 projects in progress, two in Ghana and two in Bolivia.  These projects, combined, will help provide clean water to well over 40,000 people.

Pictured (above), Club President, Glenn Crawford presenting a cheque to David Angas.

Water Project David O'Hearn 0

Credit Valley Hospital Expansion

Posted by David O'Hearn
Tina Triano, Vice-President of the Credit Valley Hospital Foundation, was our guest speaker on July 4, 2008.  Ms. Triano spoke about the upcoming expansion at CVH and the new services the new Wings A and H will provide for our community.
Credit Valley Hospital Expansion David O'Hearn 0

BBBS of Peel - Campaign For Kids

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On June 10th, 10 of our club members attended the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel (BBBS) Campaign for Kids Leaders Breakfast here in Mississauga.  This campaign has set a goal of raising $120,000 and the breakfast was sponsored by none other than our own member, Michele Darling, and her Halo Foundation.

The keynote speaker was Craig Kielburger, who started Free The Children 13 years ago.  Craig gave a very passionate, very inspiring speech about volunteerism and the importance of community.

We are very pleased to report that $113,000 of that goal has been raised to date, meaning an additional 113 boys and girls can now be matched safely with a Big Brother or Big Sister.  If you'd like to donate, please visit www.bbbspeel.com.

Pictured here are Michele Darling, Craig Kielburger and our President, Vinod Bhargava, who is presenting BBBS of Peel with a cheque from our club for $1,000 (photo credit: Fred Loek, Mississauga News)
BBBS of Peel - Campaign For Kids David O'Hearn 0

Welcome our Newest Member, Rosa MacLeod!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Also on June 6th, 2008, Rosa MacLeod was inducted into our club and became our newest member.  Rosa is President of Stratworks Inc.  Welcome, Rosa!
Welcome our Newest Member, Rosa MacLeod! David O'Hearn 0

Paul Harris Awarded to Matthew Wilkinson

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On June 6th, 2008 our club was pleased to present a Paul Harris Award to perhaps our most frequent (certainly our most popular) guest speaker, Matthew Wilkinson, of the Mississauga Heritage Foundation.

Matthew's presentations are always informative and entertaining (no wonder we keep inviting him back (!). Matthew also helped our club a few years ago with the historical information about Osprey Marsh, which was also the topic of his presentation.
Paul Harris Awarded to Matthew Wilkinson David O'Hearn 0

Dictionaries - Oscar Peterson School

Posted by David O'Hearn
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As part of our literacy campaign, on Wed, June 4th, 2008, our club presented the Grade 3 students at Oscar Peterson school with dictionaries (93 in total).  Pictured are some of the Grade 3 students with incoming Club President, Glenn Crawford, Bal Jandu and Mme Springer (from the school).  Not pictured is David O'Hearn (somebody has to take the pictures (!)).

This follows a previous presentation to the Grade 3's at Shelter Bay Public School. The students were thrilled to each receive a dictionary (it even had their own name placed on a label on the inside cover -- thanks to our outgoing President, Vinod -- thanks, Vinod!).
Dictionaries - Oscar Peterson School David O'Hearn 0

Brampton Rib 'n' Roll

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On May 23-24, 2008, our club participated in the annual Brampton Rib 'n' Roll at Gage Park.  We set up a tent to sell various items such as flashlights, solar-powered key chains and mosquito patches in order to raise money for the club.

The crowd enjoyed some fantastic food (yes, there were ribs, of course!) and some great bands, including The Joys from London, Ontario.

Pictured are club members: Marilyn, D'arcy, Vinod and Glenn.  Thank you to all the other club members who came out and helped run the booth. Thanks also to Jason Sack, who sourced most of the items.
Brampton Rib 'n' Roll David O'Hearn 0

Adam Rita

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Adam Rita, GM & Vice-President of Football Operations for the Toronto Argos, was our guest speaker.  Adam, a native of Hawaii, has been involved with the CFL for 25 years, and has earned a number of Grey Cup rings.  He was named CFL Coach of the Year in 1991, during a previous stint with the Argos.

Adam Rita David O'Hearn 0

Camp Enterprise 2008

Posted by David O'Hearn
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From May 7-10, 80 Mississauga high school students (sponsored by the local Rotary Clubs) took part in this year's Camp Enterprise at UTM (Erindale).  As we've done each year, our club also hosts a luncheon on the Friday for all the Camp Enterprise attendees.

On May 9th, our guest speaker at this special lunch meeting was Halle Asterbadi, who was accompanied by her sister, Sarah.  Halle and Sarah work with Doxxess here in Mississauga, which is also the company that runs ClubRunner (the service this web site runs on).

Halle, who attended Camp Enterprise 12 years ago, recounted for the students her experiences and memories of Camp Enterprise.  She also spoke of the path she took that led her to Doxxess

Finally, Halle talked to the students about what to expect in the working world and the characteristics and skills she felt were necessary to be successful in running your own business, such as flexibility, a strong work ethic and being passionate about your work.
Camp Enterprise 2008 David O'Hearn 0

Mississauga Fire - Training & Mechanical Center

Posted by David O'Hearn
On Feb 15th, Sean Matheson (Platoon Chief) and Ian Lang (Asst. Deputy Chief) of the Mississauga Fire and Emergency Services were our guests and spoke about the new Training & Mechanical Center due for construction.  They also spoke about the challenges faced by and services provided by the force. The new 35-acre facility will be located at Ninth Line and Derry Road and will replace the existing training center.
Mississauga Fire - Training & Mechanical Center David O'Hearn 0

Judy Orendorff - Credit Valley Conservation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Feb 8th, 2008, our club welcomed Judy Orendorff, Director of Lands for the Credit Valley Conservation Authority.  Ms. Orendorff gave a very interesting presentation on the importance of identification and ranking of various areas using their TEEM model.  In this manner, various areas are assigned values based upon their significance to the Credit Valley area.  This type of quantification allows the CVCA to prioritize each area's significance to the whole, as well as identifying how a certain area is dependent upon, or significant to other areas within its jurisdiction.


Judy Orendorff - Credit Valley Conservation David O'Hearn 0

Pat Saito - Ward 9 Councillor

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On January 18th, our club welcomed back Councillor for Ward 9, Pat Saito.  Ms. Saito spoke to us about a number of issues pertinent to our area, including the planned renovation of Meadowvale Community Centre in 2010, as well as Lake Wabukayne, where oil has been found in the lake, a result of two separate incidents where oil was dumped into sewers. Click here for more information.

Pat Saito - Ward 9 Councillor David O'Hearn 0

Healthy Smiles for Haiti

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On January 11th, 2008, Georgina Cosentino and Ray Trask, a Rotarian from the Burlington North club, were our guests and provided our club with an update on the Healthy Smiles for Haiti project.  In the picture above, Ray and Georgina are shown with club members, Raj Chopra and President Vinod Bhargava.
Healthy Smiles for Haiti David O'Hearn 0

CASFA (Canada African Soccer Friendship Assoc.)

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club was pleased to have the founder of CASFA, Mark Anthony Atine-Ayo, as our first speaker of 2008 on January 4th.  Mr. Atine is the founder of this non-profit organization, the goal of which is to use soccer as an instrument of human, economic, health, education, social and peace developmentCASFA partners with schools here in Canada and through its efforts, runs year-round boys and girls soccer leagues with tournaments in five age-groups in Africa.

Mr. Atine was joined by Sherry Dhillon, a student at Brampton Centennial High School, who traveled to Africa to see first-hand how CASFA`s efforts were helping the youth there.
CASFA (Canada African Soccer Friendship Assoc.) David O'Hearn 0

Lynn Rae - The Seven F's To A Fantastic Life

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On December 21st, 2007, Lynn Rae spoke to our club about The Seven F's To A Fantastic Life

According to Lynn, we need to have a balance between Family, Friends, Fun, Fitness, Forte, Finances and Faith in order to achieve any kind of peace within ourselves. By putting too much emphasis on family or career we are giving up some of the essence of who we are. We all need hobbies and friends outside of our marriage and family. This is what makes our lives richer and fuller.

Lynn may be contacted through her website, www.myjourneybacktomyself.com if you would like more information about her talks or to book her for speaking engagements.

Lynn Rae - The Seven F's To A Fantastic Life David O'Hearn 0

Ron Archer - Membership

Posted by David O'Hearn
On December 7th, 2007, our club was pleased to have Ron Archer, Past President of the Ingersoll club, as our guest speaker.  Ron spoke about various methods of recruiting and retaining members that were successful in growing their club from 32 to 48 members.  Ron's suggestions included:

    - pre-approval of potential members;
    - highlighting Rotary and its good works;
    - the Purple Badge program;
    - involving new members on committees;
    - promoting fellowship

Ron Archer - Membership David O'Hearn 0

Paul Jones - Superintendent of Secondary Schools

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Paul Jones, Superintendent of Secondary Schools for the Peel District School Board,
also spoke to our club on November 24th.  Mr. Jones has been with PDSB since 1970, working in Caledon, Brampton and Mississauga. 

He spoke of a number of programs in place at PDSB, including 'Learn until 18', all of which are designed to increase graduation rates and promote 'practical learning'.  Things such as credit recovery programs and pilot projects in the Hospitality field combined with the implementation of 'Student Success Teachers' (to help identify students at risk of not graduating) are also part of the boards strategies in these areas.
Paul Jones - Superintendent of Secondary Schools David O'Hearn 0

Henry Strubin - Practica

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On November 24th, our club was pleased to welcome Mr. Henry Strubin, founder of Practica (www.practica.ca) who started his company after arriving in Canada in 1998.  Practica manufactures and provides dog dirt waste disposal units in 300 cities across Canada. 

Mr. Strubin explained that these units are common place in Europe and that he was surprised when he came to Canada and the concept was not even heard of here.  His Cambridge-based business provides units that hold up to 500 bags and act as repositories as well, encouraging dog owners to 'poop & scoop' and to properly dispose of their pets' waste.
Henry Strubin - Practica David O'Hearn 0

Emergency Preparedness

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On November 16th, our guest speaker was Catherine Blair, Emergency Management Coordinator with the City of Mississauga.  Ms. Blair gave an insightful and interesting presentation on the City's plan for dealing with an emergency and the many facets of creating and implementing such a plan.
Emergency Preparedness David O'Hearn 0

District Governor David Patterson

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On November 9th, our club was pleased to welcome District Governor David Patterson and his wife, Pamela.  DG Patterson spoke about a number of Rotary-related issues, including attracting and retaining members, the Millenium Program and the problems in Africa.
District Governor David Patterson David O'Hearn 0

Join Us For Our Comedy Night !!!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Have a laugh and help support our Water Filtration project ...

On Nov 9, 2007 we will be hosting a Comedy Night at Club 54 in Burlington.  For only $10, you can see 3 comics and join in the 'Over 30' Dance that follows.

Click here for more information

Please Note: (100% goes to our club International Fund to support the Water Filtration project we are involved in with some other District 7080 clubs).

Join Us For Our Comedy Night !!! David O'Hearn 0

Credit Valley Hospital Foundation

Posted by David O'Hearn

On Oct. 19th, Kerry Casey, Development Coodinator, with the Credit Valley Hospital Foundation, made a presentation to our club regarding fundraising and development initiatives at the hospital. 

Visit the Credit Valley Hospital website for more information.

Credit Valley Hospital Foundation David O'Hearn 0

John McCallum

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On October 5th, our club was pleased to have Mr. John McCallum as our guest speaker.

Mr. McCallum led a discussion of various topics including the Ontario election, Canada's role in Afghanistan, the U.S. in Iraq and the current state of the U.S. & Canadian economies.

He currently serves as the Liberal Finance Critic for the Official Opposition and sits on the Standing Committee on Finance .

Mr. McCallum was elected to the House of Commons in November 2000. He was appointed Minister of Veterans Affairs in 2003. Previously, he served as Minister of National Defence from May 2002 to December 2003, and Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions) from January to May 2002. Prior to his appointment to Cabinet, he served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance. As well, he served as Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration and as a member of the Standing Committee on Finance.

John McCallum David O'Hearn 0

Eden Food Bank

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On September 28th, Maria Glidden, Operations Supervisor, visited our club and gave us an update on the Eden Food Bank and its operations.
Eden Food Bank David O'Hearn 0

Heritage Glen - Community for Seniors

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Sept 14th, Shawna Legere, General Manager of Heritage Glen Community for Seniors, spoke to our club.  Ms. Legere talked about how Heritage Glen provides 'simple' services for seniors who want to maintain independent living arrangements and have a sense of community as well.  Residents pay only for the services they need. Heritage Glen recently completed a 40,000 square foot addition, including a new cafe.

For more information, visit: www.chartwellreit.ca

Heritage Glen - Community for Seniors David O'Hearn 0

Music Theatre Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn
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David Charchalis, President of Music Theatre Mississauga (MTM), accepts a cheque from Club President, Vinod Bhargava, on behalf of our club.   MTM plans to use this money to establish a permanent display board at Meadowvale Theatre.   MTM presents 5 shows per season at Meadowvale Theatre, from October to April, and is comprised of 4 different Mississauga theatre groups: Theatre Unlimited, Clarkson Music Theatre, Meadowvale Music Theatre and City Centre Music Productions

For more information (and the upcoming season roster) visit www.encoreseries.ca

Music Theatre Mississauga David O'Hearn 0

Credit Valley Hospital - Pediatric/Palliative Care

Posted by David O'Hearn
On July 20th, Dr. Michael Zudman and Dr. Anne Bayliss, along with Nursing ManagerColleen Butler, gave a presentation on the services provided at and challenges facing the Pediatric and Palliative Care units at Credit Valley Hospital.
Credit Valley Hospital - Pediatric/Palliative Care David O'Hearn 0

Balwinder Jandu - Classification Speech

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On July 13th, Club member Balwinder Jandu gave his Classification speech.  Bal shared with us his arrival in Canada in 1974 from India and how his family settled in Brantford, Ontario and subsequently, to Mississauga in the early 80's.  He also related the educational and professional path that led him to become a manager of commercial banking at BMO.  Thanks very much, Bal!
Balwinder Jandu - Classification Speech David O'Hearn 0

Valerie Croft - Breaking the Silence

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On July 9th, Valerie Croft returned to our club and recounted her experiences in Guatemala in May 2007 as part of a youth delegation.  The purpose of the trip was to learn about the struggles of the indigenous peoples of Guatemala, notably in the areas of social justice and the impact of foreign business interests on the land and people.

President-Elect, Glenn Crawford (pictured here) presented Valerie with a contribution from our club to help offset some of the costs of her trip.   

Valerie Croft - Breaking the Silence David O'Hearn 0

Paul Harris Award to Anne Green

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club was very pleased to present a Paul Harris Award on June 8th, 2007 to Anne Green for all the work she has accomplished with the Eden Food Bank.  Pictured, are President Sanjay Saujani and Ms. Green.

Congratulations, Anne!

Paul Harris Award to Anne Green David O'Hearn 0

Welcome Our Incoming President

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On June 8th, our incoming President, Vinod Bhargava, outlined the new executive for the 2007/2008 year and well as his goals for our club.
Welcome Our Incoming President David O'Hearn 0

Eden Food Bank Donation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club was very pleased to present a cheque for $718 in support of the Eden Food Bank to representatives Bill Bates and Donna Behmer.

For more information on Eden Food Bank, visit http://www.edenfoodbank.org/

Eden Food Bank Donation David O'Hearn 0

Wheelchair Foundation Canada

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club was pleased to have representatives (and fellow Rotarians) Bob Pesant and Meli Colucci join on June 1st, 2007 to enlighten us on a great program at the District 7080 level to provide wheelchairs to those in need in Mexico.  All funds raised go directly to the purchase of wheelchairs (the administration costs are borne by a partner Rotary club in Mexico).

Bob and Meli explained that through two levels of matching grants, last year's initiative netted $80,000 for the program.

Wheelchair Foundation Canada David O'Hearn 0

Camp Enterprise

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On June 1st, 2007 some students from Our Lady of Mount Carmel S.S. visited our club to report on their recent experiences at Camp Enterprise, which our club sponsored them for last month.  Brenna, Angela, and Marc (along with teacher, Ms. M. Malatesta) recounted the wonderful time had by all.

Camp Enterprise David O'Hearn 0

Spring Food Drive

Posted by David O'Hearn
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The Rotary Club of Mississauga-Meadowvale, in conjunction with the 5th Meadowvale Scout Troop, the Mississauga Girl Guide 283rd Running Unit, and student volunteers from Mount Carmel Secondary, Meadowvale Secondary and Thomas St. Middle School are happy to report that we were able to collect approximately 5000 lbs of food during our spring Food Drive in Support of Eden Community Food Bank on May 12, 2007.
Spring Food Drive David O'Hearn 0

Settlement of Lake Aquitaine/Lake Wabukayne

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On May 18th, Matthew Wilkinson of Heritage Mississauga returned to our club to give a presentation on the history of settlement of the areas surrounding Lake Aquitaine and Lake Wabukayne, right here in Meadowvale.  It was an interesting and illuminating talk, one that outlined the development of this area from an family-owned, agricultural community to the diverse area of today.

Settlement of Lake Aquitaine/Lake Wabukayne David O'Hearn 0

Y-Knot Abilities Program

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On May 4th, Diana Deakin-Thomas, of the Y-Knot Abilities Program was our guest.  Diana spoke to our club about the May 10th kick-off of the program here in Mississauga.  The Y-Knot Abilities program addresses the needs of youth with physical disabilites and their siblings.  The Mississauga program is being modeled after an extremely successful program in Kingston, Ontario and is set to begin this spring.

Pictured here, David Partridge presents Ms. Deakin-Thomas with a cheque from our club to support this worthwhile program.   

Y-Knot Abilities Program David O'Hearn 0

Special Presentation from RI to Michele Darling

Posted by David O'Hearn
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One of club members, Michele Darling, was recognized by Rotary International on March 23rd in a special presentation.  Michele had made a sizable contribution to RI for Polio Plus.

In attendance were three Past District Governors, Barrie Howie, Mike Knelland John Stairs, as well as RI representative Sean Allen.

Congratulations, Michele!

Special Presentation from RI to Michele Darling David O'Hearn 0

Rhythmic Golf

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On March 23rd, our guest speaker was Izzy Markic, Club Pro at Royal Ontario Golf Club in Hornby, Ontario.  A former rock musician, Mr. Markic set his sights on becoming a pro golfer and in  just two years was able to realize that goal.  In the process, he invented something called Rhythmic Golf, by applying a musical count to the 4 steps of a golf swing. Teaching this technique has taken Mr. Markic all over the world, even as far as China!

Rhythmic Golf David O'Hearn 0

Welcome our newest member!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On March 16th, we were pleased to induct our newest member, Sue McFadden, Mississauga Councillor for Ward 10 (pictured here with Club member, D'Arcy Gibson).  We are looking forward to working with Sue and are certain she will bring a host of good ideas and experience to our club.

Click here for more information about Ms. McFadden's Ward 10 duties as Councillor.
Welcome our newest member! David O'Hearn 0

History of Photography

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On March 9th, 2007 Eric and Marian Gibson from Heritage Mississauga were our guests and treated us to a very interesting presentation on the history of photography. We saw slides containing the oldest surviving photograph, various images by photographers such as Man Ray, etc. Marian and Eric also brought along some vintage cameras for us to examine, including the Brownie, the Instamatic (didn't we all have one of these?), the Polaroid Instant Camera and the Single Lens Reflex (SLR). As usual, there was more interest and content than time permitted ... we hope Eric and Marian will join us again soon.
History of Photography David O'Hearn 0

Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of Canada

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On March 2nd, Ravi Verma (pictured), President of the Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of Canada, was our guest along with his associates, Rakesh Saxena and Ashok Kaboor.  They came to our club to speak about the work their organization does in providing basic schooling to the villages in India that would otherwise be without a means to educate their youth, aged 4-15.  Five years of free primary education is provided through a specially-trained local teacher.  Basic language & math skills are taught as well as character-building and ethical values.   They also work with the community to help establish the school after the first five years of implementation to become 'self-supporting'.

Please visit the Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of Canada web site for more information.
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of Canada David O'Hearn 0

Mississauga Children's Choir

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Also on Feb 23rd, Paul Canning (pictured, left) of the Mississauga Children's choir, was our guest and was presented with a donation from our Rotary club by our member, David O'Hearn, in support of the choir. David is also a Past President of MCC.

Visit MCC's web site for more information.

Mississauga Children's Choir David O'Hearn 0

Debi Sander Walker

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Feb 23rd, our club was treated to a very entertaining presentation by performer and speaker, Debi Sander Walker. Ms. Walker spoke about the importance of "being there" and involved in the lives of our youth.

Debi drew interesting comparisons between Harry Chapin's song, "Cat's in the Cradle", and Robert Munsch's story, "I'll Love You Forever", specifically how each story demonstrates a different emphasis being placed on spending time with your child. We were also treated to a lovely rendition of "Over the Rainbow" (she's originally from Kansas!).

For more information or if you'd like to book Debi for your event, visit Debi's web site.

Debi Sander Walker David O'Hearn 0

Lisgar Residents' Association

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Feb 16th, representatives from the Lisgar Residents' Association visited our club to update us on their various activities and initiatives planned for the Lisgar area. Our club was an integral part (in conjunction with LRA and the City of Mississauga) in the development of the Osprey March over the last two years. Visit their web site for more information. (Pictured are George Podbereski and Ellen Wilson of LRA being presented with a donation from our club from Past President, Alan Munro).
Lisgar Residents' Association David O'Hearn 0

Canadian Landmine Foundation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On February 9th, our club welcomed Paul Faucette from the Canadian Landmine Foundation as our speaker. Mr. Faucette spoke about the problems faced in 79 countries where landmines left by previous conflicts remain. For more information on how you can help, please visit the Canadian Landmine Foundation web site
Canadian Landmine Foundation David O'Hearn 0

Chris McMillan - Foundation & Self-Sustaining Clubs

Posted by David O'Hearn
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We welcomed Past President of the Streetsville club, Chris McMillan, who spoke to us on Feb 2nd about the importance of Rotary Foundation and in particular, the importance of each club becoming a 'self-sustaining' club (one where each club member makes a donation of $100 USD per year to Foundation). Chris reinforced the concept and explained how these donations are matched by Foundation.
Chris McMillan - Foundation & Self-Sustaining Clubs David O'Hearn 0

Heritage Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On January 26th, Matthew Wilkinson of Heritage Mississauga treated our club to part of a more extensive presentation on the First & Second Purchases, which established the area we now know as Mississauga. It was extremely interesting and entertaining to our members -- we look forward to a return visit by Matthew very soon.
Heritage Mississauga David O'Hearn 0

RADAR 7080 - Dave Martindale

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Jan 19th, 2007 our club was pleased to welcome Dave Martindale as our speaker. Mr. Martindale spoke of the work being done in Africa through the RADAR program to respond to the needs of those afflicted with HIV/AIDS.
RADAR 7080 - Dave Martindale David O'Hearn 0

Safety Trip Plan

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On January 12th, Erma MacDonald of Safety Trip Plan, was our guest speaker.  Erma treated us to an interesting talk about the origins of this service, which began in the U.S.A. in the 1970's for boaters as  'Float Plan Registration', as well as how the plan expanded into Canada and now includes services for all types of trips.  For a $45 annual fee, an unlimited number of trips can be registered for the entire family.  If you do not arrive at your destination at the appointed time and have not called in to report your arrival, emergency contact numbers are used and, if necessary, emergency staff are dispatched.
Safety Trip Plan David O'Hearn 0

Boy Scouts / Girl Guides

Posted by David O'Hearn

On December 15th, Carol Cairns and Joseph Grittani were presented with cheques to help support their organizations, the Girl Guides and Boy ScoutsPast President, Alan Munro, presented our club donations to these fine organizations.

Boy Scouts / Girl Guides David O'Hearn 0

Welcome our newest member, Balwinder

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On August 18th, our club was very pleased to welcome to our club, Balwinder Jandu, who is a commercial banker with the Bank of Montreal (Balwinder is shown here with D'arcy Gibson, during the induction ceremony).

Our warmest welcome goes out to Bal and we look forward to his participation in our club.
Welcome our newest member, Balwinder David O'Hearn 0

Annual Christmas Party

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On December 8th, our club gathered for its annual Christmas party.  We enjoyed a fine meal, great company and, of course, the highlight was the gift exchange where President Elect, Vinod Bhargava (pictured here with International Director, Bram Muange) presided over the selection and subsequent 'stealing' of gifts.  Fun was had by all.  Thanks to all who assisted in putting together this evening, including our host, D'arcy, who again hosted the event at his condo complex party room.

Happy Holidays to all!
Annual Christmas Party David O'Hearn 0

Community Living Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On December 1st, our club welcomed Brad Paveling from Community Living Mississauga.  Brad and his colleague outlined how their organization assists people of all ages in Mississauga with over 17 programs.  These programs which are comprised of day programs, evening opportunities, community outreach and resident support, as well as seasonal programs, provide support to people of all abilities within Mississauga.
Community Living Mississauga David O'Hearn 0

PDG Doug Vincent

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Past District 7080 Governor, Doug Vincent, was our guest on November 24th.  Doug gave a presentation about "The Power Of One" and reinforced the concept that all the major initiatives of Rotary International began with a single member having a goal.  Doug also spoke about his involvement with the United Nations as a Rotary representative.
PDG Doug Vincent David O'Hearn 0

Steve Gottlieb - Boundless

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On November 10th, our club welcomed guest speaker, Steve Gottlieb, Founder and Executive Director of BoundlessMr. Gottlieb spoke of the challenges facing the youth his organization works with and related how Boundless endeavours to help them complete their high school diplomas as well as teach disadvantaged youth confidence, self-reliance and trust in others.

For more information, visit the Boundless web site
Steve Gottlieb - Boundless David O'Hearn 0

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On November 3rd, 2006 Cathy Denyer, Executive Director for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel, was our guest speaker.  Ms. Denyer spoke about the services her organization provides and that despite the fact BBBS of Peel is helping more kids than ever, the waiting list continues to grow.  BBBS of Peel has raised orver $100,000 so far in their current fundraising campaign; however, they are eager to raise more to minimize the waiting list.

Please visit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel for more information.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel David O'Hearn 0

Tony Goodrow - End of Poverty

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On October 27th, Tony Goodrow was our guest speaker.  Mr. Goodrow's presentation outlined reasons for poverty in some countries and contrasted them against the more prosperous nations in the world today.  Mr. Goodrow also outlined his plans for using 'twinned' cities as a potential solution to the problem.
Tony Goodrow - End of Poverty David O'Hearn 0

Eden Food Drive

Posted by Alan Munro
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Our Food drive, on Oct 16th,2006 involving the girl guides, boy scouts and students from Mt. Carmel and Meadowvale high schools collected app. 1600 Kilos of food. Job well done by everyone and specifically Vinod and Jason.
Eden Food Drive Alan Munro 0

District Governor Visits

Posted by Alan Munro
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District Governor Syd Harmon visited our club and spoke about Rotarians leading the way both internationally and in our community. He complemented our club for taking the lead with the Eden Food Drive and involving ouraffiliated youth groups such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and the High School students. Here he is presenting special "Service" awards to Ken Murphy and D'arcy Gibson,along with club president Sanjay.
District Governor Visits Alan Munro 0

Presentation on India

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On September 15th, our club was pleased to have Mr. Anil Shah as our guest speaker,  as well as his guests, Girish Kekre and Nandan Atre.  A wonderful and comprehensive presentation on India was given, dispelling the perception that this nation is a developing country and outlining the many contributions India has provided to the world.


Presentation on India David O'Hearn 0

Classification Speech - Mano Purmasir

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On September 8th, one of our new members, Mano Purmasir, gave his Classification Speech.  Mano related his upbringing in South Africa as well as his visit to Montreal in 1976 for the Olympic Games, which eventually led to his arrival in Canada and joining the Export Department at Panalpina in 1978. 

Mano started FreightPlus Worldwide Ltd. in 1992.  FreightPlus is a freight forwarder here in Missisauga, providing global transportation and logistics services.



Classification Speech - Mano Purmasir David O'Hearn 0

Charu Shankar - Pankaja

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On August 25th, our club was treated to a presentation by Charu Shankar. Charu is a singer trained in the classical art form of Carnatic music and has performed to audiences in India and Canada.
Charu Shankar - Pankaja David O'Hearn 0

Michele Darling - Classification Speech

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On July 14th, one of our newest members, Michele Darling, shared with our club her Classification Speech, during which we learned about her background and interests.  Michele brought some photos of her two sons, husband Michael and her parents, and told us of her experiences in Human Resources and how she came to start the Halo Foundation, as well as become involved with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel.
Michele Darling - Classification Speech David O'Hearn 0

Raj Chopra- Rotary Foundation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On July 7th, our own Raj Chopra began a series of presentations to our club about Rotary and, in particular, Rotary Foundation.  Raj spoke about the history of Rotary and how it is organized.  We look forward to his next presentation.
Raj Chopra- Rotary Foundation David O'Hearn 0

Turnover Night

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Each year, we hold a small get together to toast the accomplishments of the outgoing President/Board and welcome the new President and his/her Board of Directors.  This year, outgoing President, Alan Munro, coming off a very successful year, turned the reigns over to Sanjay Saujani.

In addition, Alan presented awards to some club members as recognition of special achievement accomplished over the past year.  Congratulations to all!

(for more pictures, check out 'Turnover Night (2006)' in the Photo Journals section)
Turnover Night David O'Hearn 0

Our Incoming President

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Starting July 1, 2006, we welcome a new President of our club, Sanjay Saujani.  On June 16th, Sanjay addressed the members and presented his plan for the 2006/2007 year.

Our Incoming President David O'Hearn 0

Camp Enterprise Follow-Up

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On June 9th, three students from Mount Carmel S.S. and their teacher, Ms. Marisa Malatesta, were our guests.  These students were sponsored by our club to participate in Camp Enterprise held a few weeks ago.

Our club was pleased to hear the students' comments about their experiences at Camp Enterprise and how much they valued the opportunity to participate.  Pictured (left) with the students and Ms. Malatesta is club member, Glenn Crawford, who was one of our representatives at Camp Enterprise this year.

Camp Enterprise Follow-Up David O'Hearn 0
Our Club Welcomes New Member, Mano Purmasir David O'Hearn 0

Heritage Mississauga

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club was treated to a very interesting presentation by Marian and Eric Gibson of Heritage Mississauga entititled Aviation in Mississauga, which chronicled the history of flight here in our own backyard from 1909-1959. 

Did you know that the Lakefield Aerodrome (known as Long Branch) operated here in Mississauga between 1915-1918?

Find out more at: http://www.heritagemississauga.com/
Heritage Mississauga David O'Hearn 0

Camp Enterprise 2006

Posted by David O'Hearn
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From May 24th to May 27th, the local Rotary clubs of Mississauga hosted "Camp Enterprise" at the Erindale Campus of the University of Toronto. 

Approximately 78 Grade 11/12 students from around Mississauga participated.

Camp Enterprise 2006 David O'Hearn 0

Peel Regional Police Chief Michael Metcalf

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On May 19th, our club was honoured to have as our guest speaker, Michael Metcalf, appointed as Peel Regioinal Police's chief earlier this year.  Chief Metcalf discussed the recent gang raids and the challenges facing our community, including literacy, gun control, drugs and gang activities as well as the safety of our police officers.
Peel Regional Police Chief Michael Metcalf David O'Hearn 0

Eden Food Bank

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On May 5th, Donna Beamer and Bill Bates of the Eden Food Bank were our guests.
They spoke about the challenges their volunteer organization faces in addressing the needs of those within our community.

Visit http://www.edenfoodbank.org/ for more information.
Eden Food Bank David O'Hearn 0

Mississauga Children's Choir

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Also on April 28th, our club welcomed the Mississauga Children's Choir, who performed for us.  MCC's Concert Choir treated us to a number of selections from this season's repertoire.  Musical Director Tom Bell also gave a brief history of the choir, now in its 25th season, including tours to Festival 500 in Newfoundland and most recently, a Summer 2005 tour of England.

President Alan Munro presented the choir with a donation of $2,000 on behalf of our club to help support this fine choir.

Mississauga Children's Choir David O'Hearn 0

Interact Club

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On April 28th, we were pleased to have the Interact Club from Meadowvale Secondary School join us for our meeting.  We were treated to an update on the club's activities and enjoyed speaking with these fine young women and men.

Interact Club David O'Hearn 0

Another New Member Joins Our Club!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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We are delighted to welcome another new member, Jeff Hui, to our club.  Pictured here, are President Alan Munro and David Partridge inducting Jeff into Rotary on April 21st.
Welcome, Jeff !

Another New Member Joins Our Club! David O'Hearn 0

Jason Sack - Classification Speech

Posted by David O'Hearn
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One of our newest members, Jason Sack, gave his Classification Speech to the club on April 21st.  These are designed to assist in getting to know the new member by having them share life experiences and interests with the other club members. 
Thanks, Jason! 
Jason Sack - Classification Speech David O'Hearn 0

Nicola Ferri - Nutrition and Wellness

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On April 7th, Nicola Ferri (RHN, PTS), the new Manager of Club Meadowvale, was our guest speaker.  Nicola gave an interesting and insightful talk on the importance of nutrition to quality of life and wellness.  Topics included healthy food choices, ways to promote good digestion and same methods of detoxification/cleansing.  A registered holistic nutrionist, Nicola can be contacted at: nicola@vitalbalance.ca or visit her web site at www.vitalbalance.ca
Nicola Ferri - Nutrition and Wellness David O'Hearn 0

Pat Saito - Ward 9 Councillor

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Also on March 24th, we were pleased to have longtime Ward 9 Councillor, Pat Saito, visit our club and speak about the issues pertinent to our area, including transportation and Youth at Risk.

Pat Saito - Ward 9 Councillor David O'Hearn 0

Michele Darling - our newest Member!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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The club was pleased to welcome its newest member, Michele Darling on March 24th.  Michele operates the The Halo Foundation and is also Campaign Chair for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel's initiative this year to raise $500,000 and eliminate their waiting list of 300 children.

Michele Darling - our newest Member! David O'Hearn 0
Jim Kernohan - Tax Talk David O'Hearn 0

Dan O'Mahoney - Long-Term Care Insurance

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our guest speaker on Feb 10th was Dan O'Mahoney, a representative of Sun Life Insurance, who spoke about the high costs of long-term care and how long-term care coverage differs from life or disability insurance.

Pictured (above left, with Club President, Alan Munro)
Dan O'Mahoney - Long-Term Care Insurance David O'Hearn 0

Sustainable Development

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Dr. John Boyd, Golder Associates, was our guest speaker on February 3rd.  Dr. Boyd gave a very interesting presentation on the issues and challenges surrounding the pursuit of 'Sustainable Development' at the global level. 

Sustainable Development can be defined as: "Development that meets the needs and aspirations of the current generation without compromising the ability to meet those of future generations".

Dr. Boyd is quite involved in this issue, one that obviously affects not only our immediate future, but the well-being and welfare of future generations.

For more information: go to http://www.iisd.org/
Sustainable Development David O'Hearn 0

Rotary Foundation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On January 27th, our club was treated to a visit by PDG Barry Howie, a long-time Rotarian.  Barry came to speak to our club about the various ways in which Rotary Foundation can assist clubs with their projects.

Find out more about Barry Howie

Rotary Foundation David O'Hearn 0

Water Filtration Project

Posted by David O'Hearn
On January 13th, Peter Moore and Dave Angas visited our club to speak about the Water Filtration project they have been involved in. It was a presentation that illustrated the power of a focused effort on an International project.  Given this type of endeavour is one of our club's goals, the members listened intently and with great interest.  It is possible that our clubs may join forces to enact a similar project elsewhere this year.
Water Filtration Project David O'Hearn 0

Triathalon for Kids

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Brad Melville, a program director for the City of Missisauga, spoke to our club on November 25th about the Triathalon for Kids program he has helped to create and develop.

Brad also showed us a video presentation of some of the past Triathalons held at Erin Oaks Community Centre.  Kids as young as 3 years of age (!) participate in this annual event, held each September.  The smiles on their faces were testament to their enjoyment and sense of accomplishment.
Triathalon for Kids David O'Hearn 0

Stan O'Neill - Classification Speech

Posted by David O'Hearn

One of our newest members, Stan O'Neill, gave his Classification Speech on November 18th.  These are designed to give the new Rotary member a chance to let the club know him/her a bit better, by giving a short talk about their background, family and hobbies. 

Stan told us about his upbringing on the East Coast, his professional career in finance, banking and insurance, and about his two daughters.  We also discovered a hidden talent - Stan and his partner are active ballroom dancers.

Thanks for an entertaining and informative speech, Stan.

Stan O'Neill - Classification Speech David O'Hearn 0

Breakfast Clubs

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On Nov 11th, our club was pleased to have two speakers join us - Lynne O'Brien from Shelter Bay Public School and Melissa Hamilton from Edenwood Middle School.  Both of these schools run breakfast club programs supported by our club.

Picture here, Community Director, David O'Hearn, presents each school with a cheque in the amount of $1,500 to further support these fine programs.
Breakfast Clubs David O'Hearn 0

Third Meadowvale Boy Scouts

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Joseph Grittani, Group Commissioner for Third Meadowvale Boy Scouts was our guest on November 4th.  Joseph spoke about the fiscal and organizational challenges facing Scouting Canada at present, as well as the changes being made at the grass-roots level to put the "OUT" back in scouting, in particular, here in Meadowvale.

Third Meadowvale Boy Scouts David O'Hearn 0

Here We Grow Again!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club was very pleased to welcome yet another new member, Glenn Crawford at our November 4th meeting.  Glenn was introduced to our club by Treasurer, Irene Heger.

Welcome, Glenn -- looking forward to getting to know you and serving the community with you.
Here We Grow Again! David O'Hearn 0

Welcome Another New Member!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On October 28th, our club was pleased to induct another new member to Rotary, Stan O'Neill.  Welcome, Stan!  We look forward to getting to know you and working with you.
Welcome Another New Member! David O'Hearn 0

Lisgar Resident's Association

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Representatives of the Lisgar Resident's Association were our guests on October 21st.  

Scott Plavnick makes his presentation (top) and is presented with a cheque from our club for $1,000 by Paul Fletcher (bottom).

Visit http://www.lisgar.com for more information.
Lisgar Resident's Association David O'Hearn 0

Carol Cairns - Girl Guides

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On October 14th, Carol Cairns was presented with a Paul Harris Fellowship Award, courtesy of our club, for her continued service to the community through her work with the Girl Guides of Canada. Pictured (left to right) are: Alan Munro, Carol Cairns and David Partridge.
Carol Cairns - Girl Guides David O'Hearn 0

The Dam

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Bill Crawford and Terry Mady from 'The Dam' joined our meeting on October 7th and gave a presentation on the 10th anniversary of this organization that helps and counsels youth in the Meadowvale area.
The Dam David O'Hearn 0

Welcome our Newest Member!

Posted by David O'Hearn
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President Alan Munro and D'Arcy Gibson induct Raj Suri as the newest member of our club.  Welcome, Raj!
Welcome our Newest Member! David O'Hearn 0

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Peel

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Stephanie Beaumier speaks to our club about the need for volunteers in Peel for their organization. Approximately 330 boys and girls are waiting for a Big Brother/Big Sister at present.  Visit www.bbbspeel.com for more information.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Peel David O'Hearn 0

AIDS Prevention in Kenya

Posted by Alan Munro
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Tanya Kumar spoke to us about her recent trip to Kenya on behalf of Queens University. The purpose of the trip was the educate the poorer class on AIDS prevention.

AIDS Prevention in Kenya Alan Munro 0
District Governor 7080, Doug Vincent David O'Hearn 0

World Vision

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Ron McCerlie, from World Vision, made a presentation to our club on Sept 9th, about their work in Zambia.
World Vision David O'Hearn 0
Changing Leadership Alan Munro 0

Rotary Trivia Challenge

Posted by Alan Munro
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On August 26th, members of the Streetsville Rotary Club were our guests and the two clubs went "head to head" in a Rotary Trivia Challenge, moderated by Doug Gerrard. 

Rotary Trivia Challenge Alan Munro 0

A Presentation on Golf

Posted by David O'Hearn
The Club Pro at Wylewood in Horby, Ontario, Andrew Reid, visited our club on August 19th and talked about the rewards of participating in "the fastest growing sport in North America in the last 10 years". 
A Presentation on Golf David O'Hearn 0

Preparing to Participate in Sports

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our own Marilyn Nicol made a presentation to the Club about how to prepare properly before engaging in our favourite sport(s).  Marilyn's comments stressed the importance of getting proper rest, nutrition and in otherwise healthy condition BEFORE starting a sport.

Preparing to Participate in Sports David O'Hearn 0

Club Meadowvale Fitness Club

Posted by David O'Hearn
The manager of Club Meadowvale, Ted Thompson, visited us on August 5th, and spoke about the importance of wellness and fitness in our lives.
Club Meadowvale Fitness Club David O'Hearn 0

Insurance for Owner/Managers

Posted by David O'Hearn
Raj Suri spoke to us on July 29th about a new tax-deductible insurance plan for owner/managers.
Insurance for Owner/Managers David O'Hearn 0

Arthritis Society

Posted by David O'Hearn
Doug Earle, Denise McGarney and Carrie Lenkenhoff visited our Club from the Arthritis Society.  They made a presentation about the Society's goals and debuted a new TV commercial to raise awareness.
Arthritis Society David O'Hearn 0

Adventure in Citizenship (Followup)

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Bibi Khan, the Grade 12 Meadowvale Secondary School student our club sponsored for an 'Adventure in Citizenship' in Ottawa, with our INTERACT liason, D'Arcy Gibson.
Adventure in Citizenship (Followup) David O'Hearn 0

Privacy Policies

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our own Raj Chopra, gave a presentation on the importance of having a 'Privacy Policy', both in the workplace and at the Club level.
Privacy Policies David O'Hearn 0

Workplace Safety Legislation (Bill C-45)

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Kevin Toderel, from the Centre for Leadership Excellence, spoke to our club about the effects of the WSIB and Bill C-45 regarding the enforcement of workplace safety by the government.
Workplace Safety Legislation (Bill C-45) David O'Hearn 0
Linda Spalding - PODS David O'Hearn 0
Osprey Marsh Enhancement Project Completed! David O'Hearn 0

Edenwood Middle School-Breakfast Club

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Club Board members David O'Hearn and David Partridge present a cheque for $1,000 to Edenwood Middle School Principal, Mr. Doug Massey, in support of their brand-new Breakfast Club (in its second month of operation) at the Celebration Assembly, held at Edenwood on May 27th. 

A word of thanks also to Ms. Melissa Hamilton, Co-ordinator of the Breakfast Club, for arranging the presentation.
Edenwood Middle School-Breakfast Club David O'Hearn 0

Camp Enterprise

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Daniel Shapiro, Academic Program Manager, Microsoft Canada, speaks to the students and Rotarians attending Camp Enterprise 2005, an annual event held at the Erindale Campus of the University of Toronto.
Camp Enterprise David O'Hearn 0

200 Miles for 200 Smiles

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Chris Frank and his daughter, Nicole, joined us to speak about Camp Oochigeas, a camp for children with cancer [pictured with Club President, Ravi Khosla].
200 Miles for 200 Smiles David O'Hearn 0

Edenwood Middle School Breakfast Club

Posted by David O'Hearn
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On May 13th, 2005, Melissa Hamilton (Edenwood Middle School) and Laurie Hicks (Breakfast for Learning)  were our guests (seen here with President-Elect, Alan Munro).
They made a presentation regarding the Breakfast Club at Edenwood Middle School (now in its 2nd month of operation).
Edenwood Middle School Breakfast Club David O'Hearn 0

Gallery Streetsville

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Atiya Ahsan spoke at our meeting on May 6th about her Fine Art Gallery and the need for arts funding and awareness here in Mississauga.

Gallery Streetsville David O'Hearn 0
Meadowvale INTERACT Club Visit David O'Hearn 0
Bowlathon for RI Foundation David O'Hearn 0
Lori Jakel - Stand Up and Speak! David O'Hearn 0

Adventure in Citizenship

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Our club is pleased to be sending Bibi Khan, our local Interact Club President, to Ottawa to participate in this exciting event, showcasing government and public service.
Adventure in Citizenship David O'Hearn 0
Suzie Kalman - Empowering People to Live & Feel Better David O'Hearn 0

ClubRunner Presentation

Posted by David O'Hearn
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Halle from ClubRunner (centre) with President, Ravi Khosla (left) and Vocational Director, David O'Hearn (right).

ClubRunner Presentation David O'Hearn 0
Shelter Bay Breakfast Club Update David O'Hearn 0
Shelter Bay Breakfast Club David O'Hearn 0
Osprey Marsh Project David O'Hearn 0
Annual Christmas Party David O'Hearn 0
Senior's Lunch David O'Hearn 0
How secure is all this data? 0
Don't forget the eBulletin! David O'Hearn 0
Welcome to our new website! David O'Hearn 0